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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Theory: MS Is A Major Part of Why the Japanese Market is Down.

bigjon said:
ymeaga1n said:
bigjon said:
seece said:
If "they" "refuse until death to purchase a foriegn console." then I don't care if they're missing out. The ones who have no bias will go out and pick up a 360 and enjoy all the JRPG's!

You're such a hypocrit, I made a post the other day about sony with NO hate whatsoever and you label me a hater, would it be wrong for me to labal YOU an M$ hater right now?


 No you called me a sony fanboy(i am by no means a sony fanboy), different than a MS hater. Also I do not hate MS, I prefer PCs, Zunes, and such. I have always hated the way the xbox division has chosen to market the xbox line (also for the same reason I hate apple's marketing, with there patronizing commercials). The original just made me laugh... "if we put a big X on it and tell people its way cooler people will buy ours more than theres...." sadly that does work on the 13-17 year old age group....

Maybe you're anti-marketing in general.

Bolded part sounds really foolish. The "X" in xbox comes from the original intended name the "DirectXBox", because it used DirectX technology...introduced in 1995... They didn't slap on the X for marketing purposes. You need to lighten up and do more research.


or maybe because back in 2001 EVERYTHING was X... Xgames, Xmen, Xtreme Sports... etc. Because using X with every thing was like Xtra cool. Especially with cool alien green stuff.

yes I am kinda antimarketing. I think people are stupid for falling for all of the various ploys and such. I only like market where people advertise their products, it is when they use association I get annoyed really quick. (example- The I'm Luving it McDonald commerical drive/drove me nuts)


...or it could be what I just told you that the original name was intended to be DirectXBox and they dropped the "Direct".....


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Millennium said:

While Japanese culture is notoriously xenophobic -a fact which led to Sony's rise at Nintendo's expense when Nintendo ditched its Sony partnership for a European company- it's also very difficult to deny that Western and Japanese games often have very different playstyles. Is it so hard to believe that the cultural influence on a given game's playstyle might make it more appealing to people from that culture?


The thing is when Microsoft acquires titles they make sure that its Japanese friendly according to their playstyle. If they choose not to play it thats their problem.

so you saying that the fact that "X" is "cool" had 0 to do with it? Come on man. I believe that the origin was directxbox, but really. The giant x on the top was kinda over board if it was just the directxbox....

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

so what is the origin of the "360".... or is that just to sound "cool" too.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

bigjon said:
Zucas said:
I wanted to never think this to be true, but it makes sense. I mean MS has been throwing around their money weight to monitor where big products go and have screwed Ninty and Sony in that fashion. But it in doing it, they didn't help themselves either. What we are left with is more gamers buying PSP and DS and less buying the consoles which puts devs at more risk considering those two will have lots of competition in the software. Then we are left with big games on 360 for the crowd that don't sell a lick and none on the PS3 thereof or Wii.

However, I don't think its the only issue. I think another issue is Sony's heavy price point and even higher development costs and Nintendo's appearance of not having 3rd party games sell on it. Thus devs are left with 3 choices, none which are good, and MS is the one paying them off. So from the start it seems that MS is the best choice so they go that way, their games flop, and are left with minimum profits. But, we are seeing a shift away from this as the PS3 gets cheaper and Wii gets a larger userbase. We'll probably see a drift away from 360 development for Wii development. PS3 development will still be minimal but it will start to increase as the userbase grows as well.

But it's an interesting concept.


someone actually seems to have read the post and understood what I was implying.

Thank you Zucas, I can always count on you for a fairly sane take on things.


Well it makes sense with current trends and its quite logical.  It really explains why PSP and DS have taken off so much while the consoles haven't.  I still think it has to be tied in about what I said about PS3 and Wii but yea it's a good point.


Around the Network
bigjon said:
so what is the origin of the "360".... or is that just to sound "cool" too.

In generating a name for the system, the team threw out Xbox 2. "We've shifting the power of the gaming systems from technology to hardware to the gamer being the center of the industry, and Xbox 2 just sounds like it fits into that old scheme. We threw it out."

After numerous attempts, the team favorite became Xbox 360 because, among other reasons, it puts gamers at the center of the circle. So they decided to try it out, give it a sort of Rorschach test. Microsoft went to the public -- gamers and non-gamers, the second gamer in the household, the NASCAR dad and the soccer mom, as Allard says -- and asked them what they thought of when they heard the name "360."

One survey taker said, "Um, the first time I kissed my girlfriend on a Ferris wheel." Another responder said, "I love music. The word 360 makes me think of vinyl. Another said, "The first time I landed a kickflip on my skateboard." Another said, "When I exchanged rings with my husband in our vows, and I understood the significance of the ring, you know, a lifetime commitment." The answers, the team learned, were wildly different because of the unconventional name. But they all connected with a theme -- they were all emotional, personal experiences that evoked joy. "So, the reason we went in was different than the reason we came out."

Google can be your friend if you use it jon.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Even if what you said was true, what did you expect M$ to do? Roll over and give away the Japanese market? M$ felt like they could increase their market share for not a lot of investment. It may not have worked out as well as they hoped but they still have time.

M$ will never have any where near Nintendo sales in Japan but you have to respect them for trying. They have increased market share where they can and they still have over 3 years left in the system so who knows what they may eventually do in Japan.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




MS dosen't even affect the jap market WTF are u talking about?:|

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Zucas said:
bigjon said:
Zucas said:
I wanted to never think this to be true, but it makes sense. I mean MS has been throwing around their money weight to monitor where big products go and have screwed Ninty and Sony in that fashion. But it in doing it, they didn't help themselves either. What we are left with is more gamers buying PSP and DS and less buying the consoles which puts devs at more risk considering those two will have lots of competition in the software. Then we are left with big games on 360 for the crowd that don't sell a lick and none on the PS3 thereof or Wii.

However, I don't think its the only issue. I think another issue is Sony's heavy price point and even higher development costs and Nintendo's appearance of not having 3rd party games sell on it. Thus devs are left with 3 choices, none which are good, and MS is the one paying them off. So from the start it seems that MS is the best choice so they go that way, their games flop, and are left with minimum profits. But, we are seeing a shift away from this as the PS3 gets cheaper and Wii gets a larger userbase. We'll probably see a drift away from 360 development for Wii development. PS3 development will still be minimal but it will start to increase as the userbase grows as well.

But it's an interesting concept.


someone actually seems to have read the post and understood what I was implying.

Thank you Zucas, I can always count on you for a fairly sane take on things.


Well it makes sense with current trends and its quite logical.  It really explains why PSP and DS have taken off so much while the consoles haven't.  I still think it has to be tied in about what I said about PS3 and Wii but yea it's a good point.



Interesting then. So when Microsoft joins the hand held race, I wonder how many will boycott the hand held market in Japan?

^^^ Hopefully MS is smart enough to not release a handheld haha. But they would just boycott MS not DS or PSP.