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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Live Snow Globe.

Xbox Live Snow Globe lets you torture your friends

Behold the official Xbox Live Snow Globe! It's a digital snow globe where you plop your Xbox Live friends' Avatars inside and lets you shake, shake, shake 'em up! How fun, right?

This random lil' Live application is being rolled out to all Xbox Live territories and is accessible through the dashboard's Spotlight area. Best part, there's no download required! Your globe shaking can be done as fast or as slow as you choose and, as an extra special added bonus, you're able to swap out your globe's mix of Avatar friends. We're sure the snow globe shaking anticipation is just eating you alive, so we figured we'd record some intensely hot Xbox Live Snow Globe shaking video for you to drool over.
Looks a bit rubbish, yet I want to play with it.

Around the Network

LOL Random, People will bash on this for no reason but all it is, is a little fun :)


I thought it was adorable. (^-^)

Anybody gotten the free premium winter theme yet?

JaggedSac said:
Anybody gotten the free premium winter theme yet?


 Yup. It has 360s made out of ice, presumably to help stop the RROD.XD

Around the Network

I have the free theme and it is pretty nice. MSFT does treat us well. Now they need Christmas gifts to their Live subscribers and esp those since 2002 ;)

is official, microsoft is 100% casual...


Has anybody got the globe yet? I can't see it anywhere.

fun novelty, wish it were a download.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.