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Forums - Sales Discussion - All right, the year's almost over.. so

you guys who made ridiculous end of year and software sales predictions in your sig or someone else's sig (or if not in a sig, maybe a link) , post them here so we may point and laugh!

ok its an exaggeration. i'm just curious about the far off predictions you guys made long ago. post em here for personal enjoyment :)

(e.g. like crazzyman predicting 25 million PS3 by end of 2008 and some dudes saying LBP 7 million, etc. etc.)

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yes actuaaly xbox 360 is the dark horse,

from start it is already being lowered with even Ken K. said xbox 360 as xbox 1.5
then when PDZ and Kameo, sony show KZ2 , and funnily they won one award
if i remember correctly for KZ2, yes KZ2 CGI won an award, when MS show realtime gameplay of PDZ and Kameo

and now we are here 2008-2009, Kameo still one of best games so far
and PS3 hit with bad karma.

... what?

No he is still a Virgin.

ctk495 said:
No he is still a Virgin.





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bugrimmar said:
... what?

my thought exacly.


To answer the op.... well i have nothing. I predict that this trail will derail XD in the first post.. !! wot i was right.

yay for me!



Check out my game about moles ^

Here is the "official"  2008 prediction thread from last year.  Lots of good, and not so good predictions for 2008.

I didn't really start predicting before September, so that doesn't help, does it? Still, some predictions I've made since then (I posted them on my own wall).

4th December (2 weeks ago in data :P) - DS ETY 96M

Here's Groucho (6th November) - Wii will not pass 41M in 08.


I made these on 5th October...

Super Mario Galaxy will have sold more than GTA IV Ps3 in Others by the end of the year (currently GTA IV Ps3 leads by ~ 100K)

Wii Music will have sold 400K + in Japan. Won't happen

Wii Music will have sold 800K + in Americas. Severely doubt it 

Wii Music will have sold 1.5M + worldwide No doubt about it. But did I really expect Wii Music to sell just 300K in Others?

All by the end of the year.

Wii Fit will be at ~ 13M Was actually blamed for exaggarating when I made it. Will definately make it. 

Mario Kart Wii will be at ~ 12M, ahead of GTA IV combined. That is interesting... 1.5M more? I think it should make it. This was also far fetched when I made it. Ahead of GTA IV? It is at 11284K, MKWii at 10479K. 805K gap. Last week GTA IV sold 120K, MKWii over 450K. 

Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros will both pass 8, but Galaxy will within the year pass Smash.  Should pass 8M by a tiny amount, or just come short off. Looks like Brawl will > Galaxy though. 

So 5th October wasn't very good :(


 Wait, also 5th October.


Little Big Planet will beat Wii Music in 2008. Everyone believed this at the time. Bugger. 

Super Smash Brawl will not pass Super Mario Galaxy in 2008. It did 3 weeks later. 


Man, I'm horrible!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

All my predictions suck, as everyone knows. At this rate, only the 360 hardware will be close to correct, a tad low though.
Ah well, better luck next time!

PS: I am wayyyyyy closer than a certain other, popular member who is adored for his "foresight" though...

I predicted that the Wii would sell/ship 30 Million from Jan 1 to Dec 31 (aprox dates)

On Dec 28, 2007 the Wii total was 19,195,799.

Last week it was 38,991,964.

Total sold during that time period is 19,796,165.

So it need to sell 10 Million in the final 5 weeks of the year for me to be right.

It is not going to make it, but if it gets within 3 mill I will be happy.