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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - House of the Dead Overkill: Footage of Glorious bad B-movies

GhaudePhaede010 said:
stof said:
I love how easily Tarantino got everyone to casually say grindhouse as if they had any idea what it was or meant before his movies.

Game looks great. I know I'm getting it.


1) I know what Grindhouse movies are. My parents were really into them when I was a child.

2) Who is Tarantino? Like, I head the guy say inspired by his movies but I am not fimiliar with any Grindhouse movie he made.

3) Game looks great. I know I am getting it.


My favourite director! He's directed: Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill vol.1 and vol.2, Reservoir Dogs, Death Proof and a few others. He also directed a scene in Sin City. His latest film which he's directing is Inglorious Bastards.

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Ahh. I have heard of Pulp Fiction. It is a pretty good movie. But I would hardly call it Grindhouse. More like, there are Grindhouse influences... All of those other movies I have never seen before. Some of them I have heard of (Resovoir Dogs sells really cheap at my job) but I am not a follower of the guys work. I might have to check him out a little more now.

This game certainly feels like Grindhouse. And that brings me back to my much, MUCH, younger days. We used to watch blaxploitation films and rape revenge films so much. I miss those days. I have been brainwashed to the point I can no longer watch them... my parents would be so disappointed.

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GhaudePhaede010 said:
Ahh. I have heard of Pulp Fiction. It is a pretty good movie. But I would hardly call it Grindhouse. More like, there are Grindhouse influences... All of those other movies I have never seen before. Some of them I have heard of (Resovoir Dogs sells really cheap at my job) but I am not a follower of the guys work. I might have to check him out a little more now.

This game certainly feels like Grindhouse. And that brings me back to my much, MUCH, younger days. We used to watch blaxploitation films and rape revenge films so much. I miss those days. I have been brainwashed to the point I can no longer watch them... my parents would be so disappointed.


Only Death Proof was released under the title Grindhouse with the film Planet Terror.

Anyway, to keep this post a little more on topic, I really like the style they've gone with, and I think it was a good idea to go with the theme.

Jackie Brown also


It pays to know the genre that he is paying tribute too so in that case its blaxsploitation. Coffy, Superfly, Black Mama White Mama

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

game looks okay nothing to brag about, house of dead has really great gameplay but chessy voice-Overs really bad

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

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Looks fun. Everything moves at a pretty fast pace: Camera, character animation and blood.


~flame said:
game looks okay nothing to brag about, house of dead has really great gameplay but chessy voice-Overs really bad

That's actually one of the points in the House of the Dead series.


I dunno guys: some of the zombie's movements seemed a little choppy to me. Which is kind of important in a light gun game.

Still looking forward to it, though. And February? Woo-hoo!