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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why such an attach rate?

bodhi14 said:
jlauro said:
If you make good games, they will sell. The 360 just has more good games. Partly because it's been out a year longer, partly because Microsoft bought some of them, etc...

Yes, but the "year longer" thing isn't really true. The console's attach rate hit three games in just a few weeks, right away in the console's life. Sure it has boosted the attach rate later on and nowadays, but it doesn't explain the early attach rate numbers.

I'd love to see full attach rate graphs for all consoles (last gen as well). I've only been paying real attention to vg sales within this year, and haven't heard much from the 360's early performance.

I must say, I'm also curious about the 360's software magnet ability, especially seeing as how their games probably cost quite a bit more than the Wii's on average.

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Because the vast majority of the 360 lineup is targeted towards a very specific audience who own a large percentage of 360 systems and also have a large amount of extra cash to burn.

It is well known...

Too bad its wrong

The Gamecube currently holds the record of highest attach ratio (as far as I know) for a console on 9.6

Last figures I'd heard, the 360 had 8 in the US, not sure about worldwide

P.S. Attach ratios continue to rise into a consoles like, I do realise that the 360 is likely to take the record eventually, but it hasn't yet

I think its cause there is a huge amount of good worthwhile games to play of all different genres so everyone can get in on the action

Long Live SHIO!

@scottie, VGChartz has the 360's America attach rate at 10, Japan at 4.6 and Others at 3.9. To be fair, a lot of early 360 games sales in Others either weren't tracked or haven't been updated in a while, so the attach rate in Others is almost certainly higher. Also, Japan hasn't sold enough 360 consoles to really hurt it's overall attach rate.

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Pre-order bonuses. This gen definitely has the most pre-order bonuses I've seen. Getting a rare limited edition will make you bank.

Along with achievements. Some people lean towards a 360 version because it has achievements. It's been there from the start, why start collecting trophies when you have achievements you can add to.

Older 360 games have also gotten cheaper and have gone to bargain prices.


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Key demographic (males 18-35) buy a lot of games, and have a lot of expendable income.

Add in achievements, and you have a mix of success.

It's not due to bundling - bundles make up less than 0.2-0.3 software units per console sold, if that.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

@ enamrah - Worldwide attach ratio = 7.45 Americas Attach Ratio (shipped) according to MS data = 8.1

This isn't something debateable. The gamecube currently has a higher attach ratio than the 360

@scottie, Just saw the 8.1 figure given by MS and am a bit surprised it's that low. Is that based on NPD's numbers for America or perhaps that's for all regions? Anyway I'm not doubting the Gamecube's attach ratio is higher than the 360s. Just pointing out that a lot of VGChartz's data for older games in the Others region is incomplete, so the VGC WW attach ratio for the 360 is low. Anyway, Gamecube's 9.6 is going to be tough to top.

badgenome said:

<3 'cheevos.


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