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Forums - Sony Discussion - Home suffering instant connection issues

Seems like the launch is going less smoothly than nxe.


Multiple users are complaining that they’re unable to access the now-launched PlayStation Home.

We’re getting no joy with it here at all, although some are reportedly able to launch, so we’re assuming it’s a load issue.

When trying to access the app, a network error C-991 is repeatedly served with the message, “The connection to the server was lost.”

Not for long, hopefully.

Link here





Around the Network

I have that problem lol. I wasn't really interested in it in the first place anyway. I need to finish P4 first!

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i had that but then i got in to home.


I hope I don't ever get this!

omg home suxxxorz NXE ruxxxorz. Isn't this still a Beta?

Around the Network

well its not like the NXe launch was completely without issues. at least give them a day to get it right before complaining.

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lol has anything Sony launched with regards to networking NOT had issues on the first day? Hopefully it'll get sorted asap.

reask said:

Seems like the launch is going less smoothly than nxe.


Multiple users are complaining that they’re unable to access the now-launched PlayStation Home.

We’re getting no joy with it here at all, although some are reportedly able to launch, so we’re assuming it’s a load issue.

When trying to access the app, a network error C-991 is repeatedly served with the message, “The connection to the server was lost.”

Not for long, hopefully.

Link here

I don't know about that.  Have there been reports of Home bricking anyone's PS3?  It's nice you take an interest in consoles that you don't own. 


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



whatever, whenever it works it works. It's not like any of us were expecting to be in Home just two days ago. I was a closed beta tester, so I guess I'm not in such a hurry to get inside it yet. But, whatever, I'll wait for it to run and have something new that interests me.

I'm one of the lucky ones for once, no issues here.