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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict FFXIII, Versus and Agito sales

I am sure this has been done many many times but ah well, another wont hurt anyone. (I hope)

My predictions:


360 - 3 million

PS3 version - 5 million including Japan

FFXIII Versus:

PS3 Version - 3 million is everyone goes wrong with it

FF Agito:

2 million


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Why would FFXIII sell 3 million including Japan where the sales will be highest there and its exclusive.

Ps3- FFXIII- 5 million
Versus XIII- 3 million

Agito-3,5 million

360- FXIII- 3 million.


FFXIII sells best in Japan, I agree with that. It should easily do 2.5 million in Japan and another 2 million outside for estimation was a little too low. Versus surely wont do less then 3 million, it simply wont do less then 3 million and of that I am 100% certain.


Guys exactly when is FFXIII releasing in Japan?

2.5 million sold there would be like a 70% attach rate at this point

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End of 2009, well after WKC, RE5, SF4, Yakuza 3, FFXIII demo + PS3 bundle have released. GT5 might even have released by then so PS3 numbers are going to go up and up. ;)


RPG said:
End of 2009, well after WKC, RE5, SF4, Yakuza 3, FFXIII demo + PS3 bundle have released. GT5 might even have released by then so PS3 numbers are going to go up and up. ;)


 And maybe with a price cut sales be really high.


FFXIII will most likely be released during 2009 holiday season in Japan. I think PS3's install base will be 3.5-4.2 millions by that time in the region.

FFXIII - PS3 - Japan - 2.3 millions
PS3/360 - NA - 3.5 millions
PS3/360 - Europe - 2 millions

7.8 millions overall, with 60-40 split between 360 and PS3 versions in NA and EU in favor of 360 one.

Versus - 4 millions worldwide with 1.5 from Japan.
Agito - 2.5 worldwide with half from Japan.

Yeah that's all without a price cut, not sure how much of a change in sales are made thanks to price drops in Japan. Pretty sure it does not have an effect as it would in EU and NA, nothing huge like that.


no one seems to care *plays sad music on violin*