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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who thinks FFXIV will come to wii?

I think FFIV will hit this gen

look at FFXII, it hit NA in Oct.2006 which was almost a year in the 360 and the beginning of the Wii/NA timeline. It hit Japan in March of 2006.

If we project the next console release at Fall 2011, (6 years after the 360 release) a 2012 release of Final Fantasy XIV is possible. ( I think the Dev time of it will be quicker then XIII)

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FXIII is set to open "Fabula Nova Cristalli" series.
So whatever these series are they will take place on the Wii for shure.

I have to agree..FF was never graphically looked generic

what they DID do well was tell stories and obviously have nice CGI

wich is possible on!!! DS

DS got all the remakes..PSP gets none..

DS makes them more money

Wii will get the next FFs when SE is ready..or the successor of the Wii

it doesn't matter..

CGI can be done anywhere..

RolStoppable said:
Khuutra said:
Senlis said:

Why did square go with the systems they did?  The started with FF on the NES, then developed FFII and FFIII on the NES.  They then went to SNES for FFIV, FFV and FFVI.  I think they went with SNES because SNES and Genesis were almost the same and they already had a fanbase with Nintendo.  Then they faced a dilema, N64 or PSone.  They went with PSone because the CDs could store enough space for cutscenes.  In this sense, PSone has better graphics.  Hence, there is where FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX went.  Then, when PS2 came out, it was the best looking system and wasn't falling apart (I don't know when Dreamcast entered the fray).  Plus, their dedicated fanbase moved to PS2 when they and almost every other JRPG maker was making games for Sony.  Plus, Nintendo was seriously pissed off at them for leaving their system.  PS2 got FFX, FFXI and FFXII.  Note that their main reason for leaving Nintendo in the first place seemed to be the ability for PS to store cutscenes, making thier games look better.  For that reason, I think graphics are very important to Square when they make a FF game.  Plus, their gameplay hasn't been that great recently, and they have to make it up with something.

Yes they dropped Nintendo for the sake of being able to use CDs, I'm not arguing that, but it's not because they were devoted to graphics. It's because they knew that FMVs would make them more money. They were right!

It didn't matter during the PS2 gen, because Sony's juggernaut was basically unstoppable and all the consoles could show FMVs (the Wii to a lesser extent). All Square was doing was following the money.

The same is true of this gen. They just bet on the wrong horse. If Square had known that the Wii was goign to dominate like it has, especially in Japan, there would be no Final Fantasy XIII coming to the HD consoles, because there's more money to be made on the Wii.

There was much more than just the CD vs. cartridge issue back in the day, Nintendo and Squaresoft seriously broke up. Hiroshi Yamauchi must have done something terrible at the end of the SNES era and two good reasons support this assumption:

1) The PAL version of Super Mario RPG was cancelled.
2) Squaresoft didn't make a single game for Nintendo systems after that as long as Yamauchi was still president of Nintendo.

Final Fantasy may have left Nintendo consoles regardless, but the complete lack of support for about eight years is pretty telling that it wasn't just about CDs or following the money for Squaresoft or else they would still have made games for Nintendo handhelds (in case of following the money).

Not sure about the point of my post, but I just wanted to say this for once.


That was pretty informative

I have nothing in particular to argue with I suppose

nope, i think it will be multiplatform.

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Khuutra said:

This is the most important phrase in your whole post: yes, they will push the hardware to its craziest limits, but they do not go to the heartiest hardware. Dragon Quest 8 did the same thing with the PS2! But Dragon Quest is not about graphics either.

The size of the difference is irrelevant.

....Something new with the battle system that wasn't possible in previous generations? ....Mind explaining that one?

It pushes the envelope in areas, yes, but only onoe of those areas is graphics and it is far and away the most dispensible.

Also I think your prediction for the sales is a might bit high.


How is the size of the difference not relevant? The graphical drop from the Xbox to the PS2 is nowhere near what it is for the 360/PS3 to the Wii. Not to mention that install base disaparity between the PS2/Xbox was a lot bigger then the Wii/PS360. To go the PS2 and the Xbox, there is an improvement, but not so much that it can override the huge difference in install base. Whereas now you're going from an HD console to one that is not and the install bases are much closer.

I believe at a certain point the ambitions of Developers become relevant and what they can accomplish technically play a role in where a game goes. Because if it didn't, then by all rights no developer should be making an exclusive anything for the PS3.

As for my comment about accompishing new things with the battle system, Nomura has stated he wants to bring what we saw in Advent Children to the gaming world.

As for my prediction, I don't think that is too outrageous with a multi-platform release.

Anyway, if the series does jump ship to a Nintendo console, it will be in the next generation. Also, the system is still getting FF:CC, so maybe SE views that as the FF game for Nintendo.

@Stats87: That's called sunk cost. If Square had a time machine, no, FFXIII would not be coming to the PS3 and 360. They want to follow the money something fierce.

Your prediction still strikes me as unrealistic. You're telling me you expect FFXIII to sell roughly as well as Grand Theft Auto IV.

@ Soriku

lol so? that's a different kind of remake..the remakes from last gen..on the GBA?
the PSP got a glorified GBA game..and we all know it

DS got actual remakes..look at FFIII/IV
probably getting V and VI

also..more of a port/remake..not sure: Chrono Trigger

not to mention all the DQ ports..the DQIX and FFCCRoF and FFCCEoT

don't forget KH 358/2 days

so...ugh...the DS gets more square goodness than the PSP..'s especially the PSP getting boring ports..or spinoffs

Main FF series will not move to the Wii. I see many people here are still a bit excited after DQX announcement but come on, stop making assumptions that everything from SE will go to Wii now. We dont even know how well will DQX sell on the platform.

Khuutra said:
@Stats87: That's called sunk cost. If Square had a time machine, no, FFXIII would not be coming to the PS3 and 360. They want to follow the money something fierce.

Your prediction still strikes me as unrealistic. You're telling me you expect FFXIII to sell roughly as well as Grand Theft Auto IV.


GTA sold nearly 11.5M with a minimal contribution from Japan. I expect around 2M lifetime from Japan for FFXIII and I definitely see FFXIII it selling a combined 6M in NA/EU between the two consoles.

As for your first comment I disagree, because like I said, I believe their comes a point when the ambition to accomplish something spectacular takes over. Now the Wii does that in its own way, but the current benchmark that is prominent is what can be done visually. (not just graphic-wise) Now that is my opinion and I have no way of definitely proving that, but it's just something I think is there...and hope is there.