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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What resolution is human vision?

I was wondering, at what point is it when our eyes can no longer possibly process high resolution? 5000p?

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In fact it's ... 420p lol

We dont see in pixels...



i notice very much the difference between 420p and 720p thank you.

(that's why i complained so hard about LBP not supporting 1080i)

Well Leo-j is correct, but I think you are probably looking for a chart like this one



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so 1440p is the highest resolution our eyes can possibly process?

No. This is easy to imagine why it is not. Resolution is just the number of pixels on the screen, make the screen larger and the pixels get larger. If your interested in your eyes resolution your wanting to find out the smallest thing you can detect, when pixels fall below that size the resolution does not help you, but that is a factor of multiple things.

EDIT: Here are some examples of higher resolution displays -- multiscreen, TrueHD screens are a bit over 2 million pixels.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

depends on how far you are if your far enough it can get below 480p and you will not tell the different


bugrimmar said:
so 1440p is the highest resolution our eyes can possibly process?


No, I think you are not interpreting the graph correctly.  As resolutions go beyond 1440p, your viewing screen needs to get larger and your viewing distance needs to get closer.  Your human eye doesn't see in resolution, in fact your brain often re-interprets what your eyes send it, meaning that the human brain makes you think what you are seeing is a continuous image.

Technically the eye is capable of seeing far better than what that chart actually shows, the problem is the brain throughs out a lot of visual data when you look at something.  So that chart is basically made for resolutions on a TV screen at resonable veiwing distances.

so there is no maximum?