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Forums - Sales Discussion - When Will PS3 Pass 360 in WW sales?

After Xbox 720 comes out.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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i dont think it will happen

End of 2010.






Lets not forget good work already done:

When SONY cut's price, get's good bundles going, and looks more appealing than MS. At this rate.... never...

4 ≈ One

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Looks unlikely currently, if it does happen I would think sometime in 2012.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad

EaglesEye379 said:
Lets not forget good work already done:


Again I repeat, have you seen the pretenses under which thsoe predictions were made?

is aComrade Tovya said:
reptile168 said:
It all depends whether Sony wants to be second place or not. They can cut price and lose money (which they can't really afford because the whole company is down), AND hope that PS2 gamers/fanboys haven't moved on to other consoles. They need to sell the console below 300$. Should also have a 200$ version (like the arcade) that strips off the option to watch bluray movies, and save money for the consumer.


They can't, and it wouldn't save them money anyway.  The BD drive is what gives the system its added cost, and it's got to be there for the games.


There is always a way. Nintendo didn't add the functionality to read DVD movies. Sony must be able to unable this function somehow.

RPG said:
Remember install base =/= profit

Sony would like both but at this time they will have to settle for one and I would think it is profit they are after.


Remember install base = games

So unless you're a share holder of Sony, profit really means nothing to us gamers.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


ymeaga1n said:

Feels like a really stupid time to be making predictions of when PS3 will pass 360 doesn't it?

PS3 will pass 360 in 2007...2008...2009...2010!!

Exactly. Rofl topic.

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