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Forums - Sony Discussion - christmas

might get crackdown and gears 2 but i already have gears 1

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themoneyshot said:
get crackdown gears 1 and 2 and halo 3 for a great 360 experience



This is a Sony thread, the Microsoft exists to keep you guys out so go there lol

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

get halo 3

is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow ?




no i put this thread in sony because i want PS3 games but i don't mind multi platforms that might be better on 360 like fallout 3 and i have to admit crackdown looks like a great game but can you stop with the 360 games

Uncharted drakes fortune and ratchet and clank TOD are old but gr8

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got ratchet but uncharted is not my kind of game

stovo said:

Woa this is probably the best time in history to own a PS3. Get at least one of these if you have any sense:

Resistance 2
Motorstorm pacific rift
Fallout 3
Fifa 09
Mirrors Edge
Prince of persia
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune*
Metal gear solid 4: Guns of the patriots*

*Old but very good

Seconded!! :)


Long Live SHIO!

might get motor


is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow ?




Hmm, about LBP:

It's definitely a game that'll make you go "pfft" when you first see it (same happened to me). Now that I have it, I can't stop playing :)

Try to rent it or try to borrow it or playtest it, you should be convinced then (normally).