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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony price cut news leak hurting PS3 holiday sales

Do you remember about the Sony plans leak about the price cut in March 2009.That time the PS3 was selling at a steady pace if not great but after that the sales have gone down or been the same even though the holidays are so close now.People are saying that its because the NXE launch and the price of the PS3 but it surely is not cause the PS3 sales were increasing till the news leak about the price cut.We are surely gonna see a huge sales figure in the month of march next year if the news leak is right.What do you people think about it?

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Well. .... That story was "refuted" by Sony.

But to have anyone from your company talking about price cuts before they hapen -- especially when you have a high price and the economy is not strong -- is just dumb.

Mike from Morgantown


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Yeah, I'm certain that an internet rumor outweighs both the shitty global economy and actual price tag of the PS3. In fact, I believe this rumor is the only thing keeping the PS3 from grabbing the mass market from the Wii.

An interesting theory.
But I think it all rests on how wide-spread the rumor was outside the internet

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

You wish.

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I don't think so. In fact, I remember a few times in the past when (real) price cuts were widely known in advance, with tons of evidence in the form of leaked retailer leaflets and the such. There was never a big drop in sales in these cases, and this time the leak is nowhere near as big. Actually I wouldn't call it a leak, it's more like a rumor.

You are vastly overestimating how informed the average buyer is.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Yeah but, how many people are actually aware of the rumoured price cut?

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Regardless of Sony announcing it, or not, the price will drop. Everyone knows it will. So those waiting for the inevitable price drop aren't that fussed about rumours or announcements. They're just waiting for the price to drop.

Generally, if a price cut has been confirmed by the company, the week before the price is cut the console sells about half what it otherwise would

4 months out, and Sony went out of their way to deny the rumour (and a rumour with no real basis)

This is not the cause of low PS3 sales

Talk about clutching onto straws, as if the larger % of people who buy consoles (those who dont go on gaming forums) know anything about an upcoming price cut.