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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves to use 100% of PS3's power?

Dallinor said:
NJ5 said:
Dallinor said:
twesterm said:

You do know that Naughty Dog themselves said that anyone that says they are using x% of y consoles are full of crap correct?

I wish I could find the link for you but it looks like they've taken it down. It use to be on their FAQ page but they've redesigned their webpage so don't know where the quote is anymore. ;_;

I guess they got tired of looking like hypocrites?



Gebx still has that quote in his sig.

Also, in their defense, the quote was made at least 7 years back.

It doesn't really defend them much, since that quote would be more valid now than ever before.

Multi-core CPUs are harder to fully exploit, making the 30% claims less significant and the 100% claims more doubtful.


I'm not sure who exactly made the quote, but it's possible that the management/staff at ND has changed a little bit in the past 7 years. That was my point.




Indeed it has, like for instance the two dudes who founded Naughty Dog quit...


Game looks epic though!

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Yeah the "We are using XX percent of the power" is getting really annoying, and it's an incredibly stupid statement. As NJ5 said, the power of the processor is only a small fraction of the performance of the game, and only remotely related to what people here are thinking of as power, which is graphics. The GPU is far closer to maxed out, on all 3 consoles. That said, MikeB is correct that there is always room for optimization, and everything looks better with time. Just not that MUCH better.

it's internet overhype once again. useless stinking propaganda that only makes themselves look bad when their game doesn't live up to it.

bugrimmar said:
it's internet overhype once again. useless stinking propaganda that only makes themselves look bad when their game doesn't live up to it.


 I agree.

Aren't you guys getting sick of developers promising all the time that they are this time using so and so percentage. And then stating that last time we only used this much.

Heck I would be pissed if nintendo came out and said we only gave you some half assed 30% game last time. This time we will try harder on our Mario game, or Zelda game. well Zelda bad example in this case cause was a port of an amazing gamecube game.

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irstupid said:
Aren't you guys getting sick of developers promising all the time that they are this time using so and so percentage. And then stating that last time we only used this much.

Heck I would be pissed if nintendo came out and said we only gave you some half assed 30% game last time. This time we will try harder on our Mario game, or Zelda game. well Zelda bad example in this case cause was a port of an amazing gamecube game.

I don't think thats what they mean.. Their trying to say that they made such an amazing game while only stressing the ps3's hardware to 30% of it's max. It's still annoying, and "guessing" how much of a system their using doesn't really say anything about how good the final game will be, but it's not like it's half assed if it doesn't use "100%"


Given how K2 looks, i doubt it.

Though they might be using X amount of processing for whatever thus actually using 100% of course their code can be optimized so they can run more while maintaining using 100% of whatever.

So yahh, they might be right and wrong.

PS ignorant fanboym they said they HOPE to use 100% any one thats has ever done any programming can tell they wont but the fact they are ameing for using all its power means good things for the gamer.

Thanx 4 this info Seraphic_Sixaxis

could care less bout how much power the game will use as long as it runs, plays and looks better than the 1st doubt it well max out the ps3 though as NJ5 stated some good facts up there

Glad to hear that Elena might not make it back hope this new chick has a more hard edge image then her & all those other highlights sound like good improvements to me


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They probably just mean they're using all the available SPUs, whereas Uncharted 1 didn't. It would be nice to see a full 1080p game, but I doubt this will be the case.

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No console can ever be completly maxed out. They can always create more optimizations and tweak engines more to get more out of the console but the problem is that its going to get harder and require more tweaks and optimizations to get a game to look just a tiny bit better. Its going to come down to whether or not the developers take the time to do those optimizations

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