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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did the DQX announcement change your Kingdom Hearts 3 Predictions?

Fernando said:
soccerdrew17 said:
Soriku said:
soccerdrew17 said:
Soriku said:
soccerdrew17 said:
i would assume it comes down to their relationship with nomura. if he has control then it goes ps3, most likely timed exclusive over 360 maybe permanent exclusive. if he doesnt then it goes wii or maybe 360 timed exclusive.

this game might be the one to send nomura walking.


Nomura has little control. The "higher" SE heads and of course Disney are the ones who decide. Of course, sicne Disney own the IP, I'd say it's likely they have more (but not necessarily a lot more) influence on where the games go than SE. But's not liek SE is against the Wii or anything especially with the DQ X announcement.

but normura has not developed a big game on anything but playstation.  his team did kh1, kh2, and is doing ffvs13.  he played a decent to major role in ff7, ff8, and ff10.  the four non playstation kh games were made by different teams and cant be seem as even close to the same level as his other big games.

he is also a proven sony fanboy.  ffvs13 is probably still a ps3 exclusive because of him and kitase alone (even if thats temporary, the fact is that they have so far kept it exclusive). 

*rumor* he is supposedly on shaky grounds with se (him not being happy with them).  If he left to form a new studio he would probably take a lot of his team with him, cause mass doubt (especially in these tough economic times) and there would probably be a huge shakeup at se.

disney has stated that they want nomura (not just se) in charge of kh.  they essentially would take a hands off approach as long as the series continues to do so well.


TWEWY. But besides that, of course he hasn't. The PS1 and PS2 DOMINATED the last two gens, why would SE decide to put games on the N64 and GC (the GC only had FFCC due to a joint effort between Nintendo and SE) when the PS1 and PS2 were cashcows? On the other hand, the PS3 isn't.

What...just because he wants a game to be omptimized for one system so he doesn't have to hassle with a port for a big game like Versus XIII makes him a Sony fanboy now? If he was a Sony fanboy he wouldn't be doing DS games, and wouldn't have made CoM for the GBA. He may seem to have some Sony bias...but it's not like he hates the other companies. Definitely doesn't hate Nintendo, but MS we don't know is opinion.

Only Kitase is, we haven't heard Nomura's opinion on FF XIII for 360.

Disney never stated that. But Nomura is already in charge of KH. Director, story writer, etc...doesn't mean he alone can decide where games go though no matter what the system.

twewy while a good game that i still need to play, was in absolutely no ways big.  se got famitsu to post the review after the release.  the only benefit to protect in case of a bad game.  i did realize that his team made that game just a bit ago though, so good catch.  

square hasnt release a single game on ps3 yet.  how do you know the audience would respond?  not like their wii games have sold amazingly well though.

yes he likes it being exclusive, but hes also a ps3 fanboy.  com was an inbetween game (cheap, fast, and needed for the story), ds and phone games arent hugely hyped nor made by his team.  psp is the only non main kh game that has had any real hype behind it, which by the way is playstation.  you dont have to hate other companies or systems to be a fanboy, you just have to favor one and because of more than the games.

disney did state that they wanted him in charge, no im not looking it up and you probably wont believe me but what ever.  he has a kh team, which means they most likely have loyalty (see exodus from team ninja) and he is extremely important to se in general.  this sway should give him the ability to control his projects to a degree, which most likely is that he gets to control the games his team makes in return that he helps direct spinoffs and such (just a guess).


Dude... lets be real. The DS version of KH is way more hyped than the PSP game and more people are waiting for that DS KH game. Sales will prove it.


And second... we all are gamers here. And we all follow a lot of stories from several sites... I haven't hear that thing about Disney saying that they want Nomura. So, no link, no fact... show a reference and I will believe you.


Woah now! Why would anyone want a spin off rather a prequel? Tell me!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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I hope that it is on PS3, mainly because of the control, HD graphics and physics...

But if it is on the Wii i'm cool (as long as they add Gamecube controller support, i'd hate to play that with the Wiimote)...

Anyone going above 120% are obviously lying. The maximum you can go is 120%.

outlawauron said:
Fernando said:
soccerdrew17 said:
Soriku said:
soccerdrew17 said:
Soriku said:
soccerdrew17 said:
i would assume it comes down to their relationship with nomura. if he has control then it goes ps3, most likely timed exclusive over 360 maybe permanent exclusive. if he doesnt then it goes wii or maybe 360 timed exclusive.

this game might be the one to send nomura walking.


Nomura has little control. The "higher" SE heads and of course Disney are the ones who decide. Of course, sicne Disney own the IP, I'd say it's likely they have more (but not necessarily a lot more) influence on where the games go than SE. But's not liek SE is against the Wii or anything especially with the DQ X announcement.

but normura has not developed a big game on anything but playstation.  his team did kh1, kh2, and is doing ffvs13.  he played a decent to major role in ff7, ff8, and ff10.  the four non playstation kh games were made by different teams and cant be seem as even close to the same level as his other big games.

he is also a proven sony fanboy.  ffvs13 is probably still a ps3 exclusive because of him and kitase alone (even if thats temporary, the fact is that they have so far kept it exclusive). 

*rumor* he is supposedly on shaky grounds with se (him not being happy with them).  If he left to form a new studio he would probably take a lot of his team with him, cause mass doubt (especially in these tough economic times) and there would probably be a huge shakeup at se.

disney has stated that they want nomura (not just se) in charge of kh.  they essentially would take a hands off approach as long as the series continues to do so well.


TWEWY. But besides that, of course he hasn't. The PS1 and PS2 DOMINATED the last two gens, why would SE decide to put games on the N64 and GC (the GC only had FFCC due to a joint effort between Nintendo and SE) when the PS1 and PS2 were cashcows? On the other hand, the PS3 isn't.

What...just because he wants a game to be omptimized for one system so he doesn't have to hassle with a port for a big game like Versus XIII makes him a Sony fanboy now? If he was a Sony fanboy he wouldn't be doing DS games, and wouldn't have made CoM for the GBA. He may seem to have some Sony bias...but it's not like he hates the other companies. Definitely doesn't hate Nintendo, but MS we don't know is opinion.

Only Kitase is, we haven't heard Nomura's opinion on FF XIII for 360.

Disney never stated that. But Nomura is already in charge of KH. Director, story writer, etc...doesn't mean he alone can decide where games go though no matter what the system.

twewy while a good game that i still need to play, was in absolutely no ways big.  se got famitsu to post the review after the release.  the only benefit to protect in case of a bad game.  i did realize that his team made that game just a bit ago though, so good catch.  

square hasnt release a single game on ps3 yet.  how do you know the audience would respond?  not like their wii games have sold amazingly well though.

yes he likes it being exclusive, but hes also a ps3 fanboy.  com was an inbetween game (cheap, fast, and needed for the story), ds and phone games arent hugely hyped nor made by his team.  psp is the only non main kh game that has had any real hype behind it, which by the way is playstation.  you dont have to hate other companies or systems to be a fanboy, you just have to favor one and because of more than the games.

disney did state that they wanted him in charge, no im not looking it up and you probably wont believe me but what ever.  he has a kh team, which means they most likely have loyalty (see exodus from team ninja) and he is extremely important to se in general.  this sway should give him the ability to control his projects to a degree, which most likely is that he gets to control the games his team makes in return that he helps direct spinoffs and such (just a guess).


Dude... lets be real. The DS version of KH is way more hyped than the PSP game and more people are waiting for that DS KH game. Sales will prove it.


And second... we all are gamers here. And we all follow a lot of stories from several sites... I haven't hear that thing about Disney saying that they want Nomura. So, no link, no fact... show a reference and I will believe you.


Woah now! Why would anyone want a spin off rather a prequel? Tell me!

dont forget the glowing previews for the psp game and the tentative ones for ds.  but hey, peoples opinions dont count for anything like hype.


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

Galaki said:
Anyone going above 120% are obviously lying. The maximum you can go is 120%.


Until you turn it up to 11 that is, then you can get to 132%

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I still think it will be on PS3 and 360.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

The Anarchyz said:
I hope that it is on PS3, mainly because of the control, HD graphics and physics...

But if it is on the Wii i'm cool (as long as they add Gamecube controller support, i'd hate to play that with the Wiimote)...


I could buy the controls being an issue, but graphics and physics?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

scottie said:
Galaki said:
Anyone going above 120% are obviously lying. The maximum you can go is 120%.


Until you turn it up to 11 that is, then you can get to 132%

wait, how do u do this.  im scared to even try putting it at a 9 leaving me with only 101%


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

soccerdrew17 said:
scottie said:
Galaki said:
Anyone going above 120% are obviously lying. The maximum you can go is 120%.


Until you turn it up to 11 that is, then you can get to 132%

wait, how do u do this.  im scared to even try putting it at a 9 leaving me with only 101%



That's not many, if any :P

KH 3 will be exclusive game for the Wii. It might also appear on the PS2.