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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did the DQX announcement change your Kingdom Hearts 3 Predictions?

"FF and KH are known for graphics (as well as everything else)"

KH is not known for graphics. Comments like that are typical fanboy swill.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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My prediction hasn't changed, though I am quite certain that I will be one of those who get the 30-day banhammer, as I predicted it would be multiplatform...

Disclaimer: Aatg885 understands fully that his opinion is not necessarily shared by those of or its members, and it is that very thing which gives him the deepest trepidation of all.

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Kingdom Hearts isn't known for graphics, unless you count pre-rendered cgi cutscenes which can be put on the GBA if you compress it enough....saying that the series is known for graphics is just hyping up the PS3.....

if it was about graphics KHI and 2 would have been on the gamecube or X-box last gen. KIngdom Hearts goes to the system with the most mass appeal, and from working at a games store a lot more "casuals" like Kingdom hearts than most Hardcore gamers.

Most super hardcore shooter fans for instance can't get past the Disney Characters. get over yourselves.

No, I still say that the most likely console to get it is the Wii. There is still a good chance it could go multiplat to 360/ps3 though.

LordTheNightKnight said:
"FF and KH are known for graphics (as well as everything else)"

KH is not known for graphics. Comments like that are typical fanboy swill.


Heh, ok.  Here are some quotes from metacritic:

"Has a few flaws, but its unique character pairings and jaw-dropping graphics make this a remarkable RPG."

"Visually stunning, loaded with cameos and dripping with both Square and Disney nostalgia, Kingdom Hearts will grab you from the opening to the end."

"You’ll be particularly impressed with the recreation of the Disney characters, it seems as though they’ve been translated to videogame characters without any compromises."

"It may not rival the grand stories of some past Final Fantasy’s or even some of the better Disney movies; however, it is a fine game that manages to combine each company’s strengths in a tapestry that is a joy to behold and an even greater one to play."

"When the amazing, talented artists from Square join forces with the amazing, talented artists from Disney, good things happen. [Feb 2003, p.92]"  And before I get the "art is serperate from graphics" argument, you can do more with more graphical power, always.

"To say that Kingdom Hearts is magical is an understatement. As cinematic experiences go, it's exquisite. It's not the finest in terms of action, but overall, it's wonderful. [Oct 2002, p.74]"

"You’ll be hard pressed to find another game that even comes close to matching the quality found in Kingdom Hearts. Games just don’t come as beautiful and well thought out as this, it’s a virtual masterpiece that excels in every way possible."

"Although the game’s graphics and music were as incredible as you can expect from these two very professional companies, the actual gameplay does get a tiny bit repetitive at times. Overall, Kingdom Hearts manages to be an incredible game."


Here's a quote about DQ8:  "Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King isn't like "Final Fantasy" with its over-the-top visual carvings and boundary-pushing gameplay. Here, Dragon Quest VIII is the comfy but less attractive affordable footwear. It's the trim without the finesse. It's the vanilla milkshake without the need of additional toppings."

There are quotes praising the DQ8 visuals as well, but I am speaking from playing FFX, KH1/2, and then DQ8.  If you compare the styles the first 2 have a strong emphasis on cutscene graphics as well as the ingame art style.  You will not see FF13-esque cutscenes on the Wii, no matter what you tell yourself about how cutscenes don't require strong hardware.  Even if you were to straight move clips, the Wii is not HD so the other systems are more capable, but that's not usually what cutscenes are made with anyway.

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Those quotes don't support your claim at all. And there is nothing claiming the game won't work unless the cut scenes are on the level of FFXIII, except your own claim, and that doesn't count.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
Those quotes don't support your claim at all. And there is nothing claiming the game won't work unless the cut scenes are on the level of FFXIII, except your own claim, and that doesn't count.


Didn't say it had to be on level of FF13.  All I am saying is that the standard for graphics is higher for KH than DQ.

It counts just fine as my opinion.  I've said all along that DQ would be on Wii and KH would be at least on PS3 and probably 360 (especially since Last Remnant and FF13 were announced for 360).

Despite the Wii's dominance, it still doesn't have 50% market share, so the argument that the Wii gets KH because it would sell more doesn't work for me.

The developer of KH 1 and 2 is making an action RPG for PS3...I've yet to hear an explanation for why he wouldn't use that experience to make KH3 on PS3 and then maybe port to 360 like they are with FF13 and already did with Last Remnant.

spdk1 said:

if it was about graphics KHI and 2 would have been on the gamecube or X-box last gen. KIngdom Hearts goes to the system with the most mass appeal, and from working at a games store a lot more "casuals" like Kingdom hearts than most Hardcore gamers.

Most super hardcore shooter fans for instance can't get past the Disney Characters. get over yourselves.

kh seems more like a midcore franchise.  those who own at least a system per gen, know some about games but arent hardcore.  

playstation is the midcore brand.  it has only been able to tap much of its more hardcore market due to the price so far, but its a midcore brand.  thats why ps3 attatch rate is often lower than 360 because ps is less hardcore.  nintendo is even more casual.

despite the difference in numbers i think kh3 would get the most sales (questionably profit) from being on ps3 if it was forced into exclusivity.  


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

LordTheNightKnight said:
"FF and KH are known for graphics (as well as everything else)"

KH is not known for graphics. Comments like that are typical fanboy swill.



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Possum5454 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
"FF and KH are known for graphics (as well as everything else)"

KH is not known for graphics. Comments like that are typical fanboy swill.




and that.  Thanks for you useless post of a quote I already responded to.