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LordTheNightKnight said:
Those quotes don't support your claim at all. And there is nothing claiming the game won't work unless the cut scenes are on the level of FFXIII, except your own claim, and that doesn't count.


Didn't say it had to be on level of FF13.  All I am saying is that the standard for graphics is higher for KH than DQ.

It counts just fine as my opinion.  I've said all along that DQ would be on Wii and KH would be at least on PS3 and probably 360 (especially since Last Remnant and FF13 were announced for 360).

Despite the Wii's dominance, it still doesn't have 50% market share, so the argument that the Wii gets KH because it would sell more doesn't work for me.

The developer of KH 1 and 2 is making an action RPG for PS3...I've yet to hear an explanation for why he wouldn't use that experience to make KH3 on PS3 and then maybe port to 360 like they are with FF13 and already did with Last Remnant.