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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage Screenshots (looks great)

vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:
badgenome said:

Awesome. I wonder how Broken Steel is gonna work, because my dude kinda died at the end of the game.


Kinda? Instead of completely? I feel your pain too though... I kinda ran into the same problem. I knew I should have gone with option B.


OT: Has there been any word on whether it will cost anything for the PC, or how much it will be? Been looking around half-heartedly but haven't been able to ocme up with anything.



Your fanboyism is so funny, especially considering that you are completely wwrong, on two accounts. First of all, it's gonna be for the PC too, second this addon will NOT raise level cap, that's coming a few addons later. Also, I'm a self-proclaimed Fallout 3 fan yet this addon does not appeal to me in the least bit, I don't see how I need it in any way shape or form. This self-proclaimed fan won't even look at this DLC unless it's at a reasonable price (read: less than 5 bucks). Please fail more, it's good lulz.


 Oh yes sorry. I will remeber next time that a game on  PS3 with no DLC means it's not worth it. And of course fans of Fallout 3 will be distraught at this addon. Sorry I forgot, wasnt aware that 360 and PC were in direct competition. Pretty stupid of Bill Gates to go against another M$ product.


Just because you own a PS3 copy of Fallout3 doesnt mean you can slag off perfectly good Addons your not getting. My guess is you would say the same about GTA4 DLC.

PS grow up. I never once mentioned the PS3 other than pointing that out to ROBO.


Edit: 800M$ point is it's cost. Bloody good value.


Selnor, I truly thank you for making me laugh in these dark times (cramming for a final), something I really needed. Now to pick apart your blind fanboyism even further.

PC is now a Microsoft product? Did you really just say that, or even worse, believe it? Exclusivity means that something exists ONLY on one platform, in your case the 360. Sadly such is not the case since the PC is also getting the content.

As for the content. They are adding more content that is focusing on the weakest aspect of the game Combat/Stealth. Unless they include a complete overhaul of the Combat system, they are basically giving you more Fallout 3 trash, because if the game's main point was combat, the game would have outright sucked, and 5 dollars is not worth it at all. Maybe if they added a whole bunch of new hubs in the actual world with a whole bunch of new stories/people you can to play through in several different ways, where combat was far far from the focus, it would have been worth it. As it stands in the Battle of Anchorage there is only so much they can add that's akin to that. As it stands 5 bucks would not be worth that at all. Maybe the next things they add will be, if they focus on their strengths.

Furthermore, are you taking me for an idiot? Do you think I can't tell that your entire post is anti-PS3? And just to finish off this post with a little fanboyism of my own, my PC version of the game is far far superior to your 360 version.

PS3 fanboys are hilarious. (you may own games for windows but I know you own a PS3).

Forgive me if I'm wrong but you have Windows right? That would mean for you to play your little PC games with DX9 or the awesome latest DX10 you line M$ pockets. When you understand I'll let you through to high school.

I wont bother. A game on PC as well as 360 does not hurt 360 sales. You only have to look at the dismal sales of 360, PC only games on PC to know that. LOL COD 4 sold more on 360 in 3 weeks than it has on PC in LT.  



Actually, I don't own a PS3 at all ( I don't know where this knowledge comes from but you are wrong yet again, I honestly lost count how many times that makes in a single thread), nor do I own a 360 (no point in wasting money in rip-offs of the PC). I do own a Wii but that's back home with my brother. I have unlimited access to all 3 however since I'm living with a few really good friends of mine (will continue to do so until I graduate), and they own those (we actually have 2 360s but meh). I very highly suggest you stop with all your assumptions because you keep making a bigger and bigger idiot of yourself. Then again if you do I will lose the source of great entertainment so I guess it'd be better off if you don't.

News flash CoD4 was not a good shooter, it was your typical watered down console shooter, so I'm sorry if I don't even care. Maybe when a shooter that can come even close to matching Half-Life 2/UT2004 on a console I'll start caring, but I doubt that will e happening any time soon. What I do care is that now with the mod tools we get utterly free and endless content for Fallout 3 that is created by the community. You can go ahead and keep on paying for your trashy and useless DLC (at least this one), I'll stick to my free content. I'm sure that anyone who has a PC that can run FO3 would choose the PC version over the 360 given the community support, so obviously it's hurting sales in some way.

As for windows, who said I'm using windows at all? I could just as easily be running on an apple or using linux. I am in fact running on windows, but that really does not mean one is required to have windows to run games. As I said previously, stop assuming, it makes you look like a fool. It seems like you are the one needing basic high school education.

News flash people think you own PS3 because you spend all dya trolling M$ forum.

And 93% of the computer market has Windows. So it's a very very very very good bet your playing on Windows. So yes PC market is M$'s.

And I hate to break it to you. I dont feel the need to say that PC gaming is better for shooters. In fact PC FPS's arent my top games. There are several games that I enjoyed more than PC shooters. Perfect Dark 1 for instance, Halo 1-3. I have no problem not following the internet forum crowd on this one. I prefer several shooters that are exclusive to console. So your CoD 4 arguement is null with me.

And sales. Again go look at the sales for respective formats. It barely touches the 360.



Now that's REALLY funny, because I've had PS3 owners betting me under the conditions that I would stay out of THEIR forums. Actually, I also happen to troll the Wii and the PC forums from time to time ( I know shio would like me to leave as well probably), it just so happens that those fanboys don't spout nearly as much bullshit as the HD fanboys. I'm just calling out people's bullshit, just like I did with you in this thread. I agree that most PCs run Windows, games on the PC don't have anything at all to do with Microsoft at all (unles they are made by them of course), therefore your whole "lining M$'s pockets" argument fails miserably, the PC is not the Xbox where developers have to pay M$ royalties. Again you throw sales at me, but how many of those sales are sales of people who do not own a pwoerful enough computer to run the games at all? With the example of Fallout 3, with the free community content and all, if a person owns a sufficiently powerful PC and a 360, I'd be willing to bet they'd go with the PC instead of the 360 version. How is that not stealing sales?

Are you missing the part where you pay 100's of $ or £ to buy windows. And the new Games for Windows logo, means you need windows.


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What are people even talking about in this thread?

Anyhow, pretty sure I'm buying all 3 DLCs.

Barozi said:
vlad321 said:
Barozi said:
vlad321 said:
Barozi said:

vlad321 said:

Actually, I don't own a PS3 at all ( I don't know where this knowledge comes from but you are wrong yet again, I honestly lost count how many times that makes in a single thread), nor do I own a 360 (no point in wasting money in rip-offs of the PC). I do own a Wii but that's back home with my brother. I have unlimited access to all 3 however since I'm living with a few really good friends of mine (will continue to do so until I graduate), and they own those (we actually have 2 360s but meh). I very highly suggest you stop with all your assumptions because you keep making a bigger and bigger idiot of yourself. Then again if you do I will lose the source of great entertainment so I guess it'd be better off if you don't.

News flash CoD4 was not a good shooter, it was your typical watered down console shooter, so I'm sorry if I don't even care. Maybe when a shooter that can come even close to matching Half-Life 2/UT2004 on a console I'll start caring, but I doubt that will e happening any time soon. What I do care is that now with the mod tools we get utterly free and endless content for Fallout 3 that is created by the community. You can go ahead and keep on paying for your trashy and useless DLC (at least this one), I'll stick to my free content. I'm sure that anyone who has a PC that can run FO3 would choose the PC version over the 360 given the community support, so obviously it's hurting sales in some way.

As for windows, who said I'm using windows at all? I could just as easily be running on an apple or using linux. I am in fact running on windows, but that really does not mean one is required to have windows to run games. As I said previously, stop assuming, it makes you look like a fool. It seems like you are the one needing basic high school education.

You = FAIL

I'm sure over 99,5% on this side will agree with me.

Let me guess.... those 99,5% are all console gamers? Then again even a lot of PC gamers think I'm crazy when I call CS a weak game. When it comes down the the wire, TF2 is a far better game than CoD4, and that's why CoD4 didn't sell at all, like I said, it's jsut a mediocre shooter, paling when compared to TF2.

The problem is you prefer multiplayer only games over singleplayer games. CoD 1 was AAA, Cod 2 even better. CoD 3 was waaay worse, but not because it was only released on consoles (we all know it was Treyarch's fault). CoD 4 is for me personally even better than CoD 2 (which was the pinnacle in the series for me).

No other shooter series can deliver such a great atmosphere. No, not even Half Life. UT has zero atmosphere and TF2 as well. I'll better not start to talk about a storyline.....

That's not true, HL2 has absolutely no multiplayer and I'd rank it better than any console shooter that I can think of, so it's not just multi-player shooters. Also CoD 1 was not AAA, it was just AA, and I did feel like HL1's atmosphere definitely trumped CoD1's, several years before CoD1 even came out.

If you don't consider Half Life 2: Deathmatch as the multiplayer... well I agree it doesn't come directly with the game, but you can download it for free, when you own the full game (Not too sure about that)

By the way I think HL2 is the best shooter to date and HL2 Deathmatch has the best deathmatch mode of any game.

But I have no concerns to name HL2 and CoD4 in one sentence as AAA games.


It sadly doesn't unless you bought HL2 in one of their packs, which I didn't. It's 5 bucks which is still worth it, but that's why I'm not counting it. Also don't get me wrong, CoD4 is good, and I do agree that CoD2 is better than it as well, but it's really not in the same level of AAA games as HL, or earlier UT games, as well as a few other shooters (I think UT2004 has the best deathmatch, where skill truly shines).

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


ok, let's not get into COD4's Infinite Enemy Respawn again... oops.

back to FO3, I agree with Vlad regarding the combat orientation of the DLC, but with the GECK I'm sure people will be able to do better stuff (from what I read, Oblivion with the correct mods is a far superior game than the "vanilla"). I'd say that it's tough to find a game that is NOT improved by mods when people can do the right stuff with the tools, so I have no worries.


the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

selnor said:
vlad321 said:


Now that's REALLY funny, because I've had PS3 owners betting me under the conditions that I would stay out of THEIR forums. Actually, I also happen to troll the Wii and the PC forums from time to time ( I know shio would like me to leave as well probably), it just so happens that those fanboys don't spout nearly as much bullshit as the HD fanboys. I'm just calling out people's bullshit, just like I did with you in this thread. I agree that most PCs run Windows, games on the PC don't have anything at all to do with Microsoft at all (unles they are made by them of course), therefore your whole "lining M$'s pockets" argument fails miserably, the PC is not the Xbox where developers have to pay M$ royalties. Again you throw sales at me, but how many of those sales are sales of people who do not own a pwoerful enough computer to run the games at all? With the example of Fallout 3, with the free community content and all, if a person owns a sufficiently powerful PC and a 360, I'd be willing to bet they'd go with the PC instead of the 360 version. How is that not stealing sales?

Are you missing the part where you pay 100's of $ or £ to buy windows. And the new Games for Windows logo, means you need windows.



The games for windows logo would fall under the stipulation that Microsoft has something to do with the game to begin with, which is not the ccase with many games. Also, you don't have to have Windows to play a large selection of agmes, furthermore if you are a student you get free Windows from the college (I'd never pay for Windows).

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


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salaminizer said:

ok, let's not get into COD4's Infinite Enemy Respawn again... oops.

back to FO3, I agree with Vlad regarding the combat orientation of the DLC, but with the GECK I'm sure people will be able to do better stuff (from what I read, Oblivion with the correct mods is a far superior game than the "vanilla"). I'd say that it's tough to find a game that is NOT improved by mods when people can do the right stuff with the tools, so I have no worries.



I am extremely excited about the GECK. I expect great things to be coming out over the next few months/years. The best part is that it won't be just mods. It allows you to cratea new NPCs with their own dialogue and new locations, new weapons, whatever. Basically you can make your own expansions.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:


Now that's REALLY funny, because I've had PS3 owners betting me under the conditions that I would stay out of THEIR forums. Actually, I also happen to troll the Wii and the PC forums from time to time ( I know shio would like me to leave as well probably), it just so happens that those fanboys don't spout nearly as much bullshit as the HD fanboys. I'm just calling out people's bullshit, just like I did with you in this thread. I agree that most PCs run Windows, games on the PC don't have anything at all to do with Microsoft at all (unles they are made by them of course), therefore your whole "lining M$'s pockets" argument fails miserably, the PC is not the Xbox where developers have to pay M$ royalties. Again you throw sales at me, but how many of those sales are sales of people who do not own a pwoerful enough computer to run the games at all? With the example of Fallout 3, with the free community content and all, if a person owns a sufficiently powerful PC and a 360, I'd be willing to bet they'd go with the PC instead of the 360 version. How is that not stealing sales?

Are you missing the part where you pay 100's of $ or £ to buy windows. And the new Games for Windows logo, means you need windows.



The games for windows logo would fall under the stipulation that Microsoft has something to do with the game to begin with, which is not the ccase with many games. Also, you don't have to have Windows to play a large selection of agmes, furthermore if you are a student you get free Windows from the college (I'd never pay for Windows).

Becasue student gets it free does not mean M$ did not make money from it. Either the college pays or the PC manufacturer like Dell. And yes the NEW games with Games for Windows need Windows to be played.


selnor said:
vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:


Now that's REALLY funny, because I've had PS3 owners betting me under the conditions that I would stay out of THEIR forums. Actually, I also happen to troll the Wii and the PC forums from time to time ( I know shio would like me to leave as well probably), it just so happens that those fanboys don't spout nearly as much bullshit as the HD fanboys. I'm just calling out people's bullshit, just like I did with you in this thread. I agree that most PCs run Windows, games on the PC don't have anything at all to do with Microsoft at all (unles they are made by them of course), therefore your whole "lining M$'s pockets" argument fails miserably, the PC is not the Xbox where developers have to pay M$ royalties. Again you throw sales at me, but how many of those sales are sales of people who do not own a pwoerful enough computer to run the games at all? With the example of Fallout 3, with the free community content and all, if a person owns a sufficiently powerful PC and a 360, I'd be willing to bet they'd go with the PC instead of the 360 version. How is that not stealing sales?

Are you missing the part where you pay 100's of $ or £ to buy windows. And the new Games for Windows logo, means you need windows.



The games for windows logo would fall under the stipulation that Microsoft has something to do with the game to begin with, which is not the ccase with many games. Also, you don't have to have Windows to play a large selection of agmes, furthermore if you are a student you get free Windows from the college (I'd never pay for Windows).

Becasue student gets it free does not mean M$ did not make money from it. Either the college pays or the PC manufacturer like Dell. And yes the NEW games with Games for Windows need Windows to be played.


Touche, however ONLY the GFW need windows to run, the rest of the games don't have to run specifically in Windows. Even then there are people working out there making those GFW games running on other OSes other than windows.


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:


Now that's REALLY funny, because I've had PS3 owners betting me under the conditions that I would stay out of THEIR forums. Actually, I also happen to troll the Wii and the PC forums from time to time ( I know shio would like me to leave as well probably), it just so happens that those fanboys don't spout nearly as much bullshit as the HD fanboys. I'm just calling out people's bullshit, just like I did with you in this thread. I agree that most PCs run Windows, games on the PC don't have anything at all to do with Microsoft at all (unles they are made by them of course), therefore your whole "lining M$'s pockets" argument fails miserably, the PC is not the Xbox where developers have to pay M$ royalties. Again you throw sales at me, but how many of those sales are sales of people who do not own a pwoerful enough computer to run the games at all? With the example of Fallout 3, with the free community content and all, if a person owns a sufficiently powerful PC and a 360, I'd be willing to bet they'd go with the PC instead of the 360 version. How is that not stealing sales?

Are you missing the part where you pay 100's of $ or £ to buy windows. And the new Games for Windows logo, means you need windows.



The games for windows logo would fall under the stipulation that Microsoft has something to do with the game to begin with, which is not the ccase with many games. Also, you don't have to have Windows to play a large selection of agmes, furthermore if you are a student you get free Windows from the college (I'd never pay for Windows).

Becasue student gets it free does not mean M$ did not make money from it. Either the college pays or the PC manufacturer like Dell. And yes the NEW games with Games for Windows need Windows to be played.


Touche, however ONLY the GFW need windows to run, the rest of the games don't have to run specifically in Windows. Even then there are people working out there making those GFW games running on other OSes other than windows.


If we start to bring illegalities into this, I know people who have made an Xbox 1 run PS2 games. So illegality shouldnt be counted. I am aware that there are people who have M$ products on their macs.


selnor said:
vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:
selnor said:
vlad321 said:


Now that's REALLY funny, because I've had PS3 owners betting me under the conditions that I would stay out of THEIR forums. Actually, I also happen to troll the Wii and the PC forums from time to time ( I know shio would like me to leave as well probably), it just so happens that those fanboys don't spout nearly as much bullshit as the HD fanboys. I'm just calling out people's bullshit, just like I did with you in this thread. I agree that most PCs run Windows, games on the PC don't have anything at all to do with Microsoft at all (unles they are made by them of course), therefore your whole "lining M$'s pockets" argument fails miserably, the PC is not the Xbox where developers have to pay M$ royalties. Again you throw sales at me, but how many of those sales are sales of people who do not own a pwoerful enough computer to run the games at all? With the example of Fallout 3, with the free community content and all, if a person owns a sufficiently powerful PC and a 360, I'd be willing to bet they'd go with the PC instead of the 360 version. How is that not stealing sales?

Are you missing the part where you pay 100's of $ or £ to buy windows. And the new Games for Windows logo, means you need windows.



The games for windows logo would fall under the stipulation that Microsoft has something to do with the game to begin with, which is not the ccase with many games. Also, you don't have to have Windows to play a large selection of agmes, furthermore if you are a student you get free Windows from the college (I'd never pay for Windows).

Becasue student gets it free does not mean M$ did not make money from it. Either the college pays or the PC manufacturer like Dell. And yes the NEW games with Games for Windows need Windows to be played.


Touche, however ONLY the GFW need windows to run, the rest of the games don't have to run specifically in Windows. Even then there are people working out there making those GFW games running on other OSes other than windows.


If we start to bring illegalities into this, I know people who have made an Xbox 1 run PS2 games. So illegality shouldnt be counted. I am aware that there are people who have M$ products on their macs.


It's not illegal at all actually. There's no exclusivity deals like on consoles, just so happens that the games use some files that are the default of Windows. Also, do those products happen to be word and powerpoint and other such office tools?


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores: