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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN AU declares PS3 exclusives "Best of 2008"


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@ Garnett
Check this out,
PS3 has 21.5% market share in Australia, compared to its 21.6% market share world wide

The PS3 is not the big thing in Australia :P

But IGN Au loves it for some reason anyway

It was much given that ps3 would win this year,Valkyria Chronicles, LBP, MGS4, seriously, that's a combo breaker, even though it does not sell, like the other consoles, I'm quite happy with my ps3 as gamer, Sony really impressed me this year. Next year, may be even better. Only sales of these games seem dissapointing, expect MGS4 of course.

Garnett said:

"Wait they take out L4D but includes remakes and shovel ware minigames?!" gawd said the troll


and a "prologue"....


But, there's no denying that the PS3 had the most AAA exclusives this year with LBP and MGS4, compared to the 360's only AAA title Gears 2.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


CGI-Quality said:
@ kutasek

For new IPs Valkyria and LBP sold fine, especially seeing as SRPGs like Valkyria Chronicles don't sell at high numbers anyway. LBP is right at 1 million units in a month and a half. What's wrong with that, bud?


It seem to deserve more, you know. It sells well, but i thought it would do more a bit more. Valkyria Chronicles, well i hoped for good sales, so we can see a sequal, it may have legs like disegea 3 which has 100,000k units in U.S. alone.

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gebx said:
Garnett said:

"Wait they take out L4D but includes remakes and shovel ware minigames?!" gawd said the troll


and a "prologue"....


But, there's no denying that the PS3 had the most AAA exclusives this year with LBP and MGS4, compared to the 360's only AAA title Gears 2.


You Actually Admited something Positive about the PS3? the shock & awe!!! Well glad to here it from ya, but Gears 2 is a pretty damn big deal and i heard left 4 dead was pretty sweet to but Fable? no Gears owns Fable in my book.

At anyrate yeah, PS3's best was this year in terms of its own status from last year. :P

for once I agree with Australians
PS3 exclusives are 1st
(MGS4, LBP, R2, and VC FTW!!!)

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
gebx said:
Garnett said:

"Wait they take out L4D but includes remakes and shovel ware minigames?!" gawd said the troll


and a "prologue"....


But, there's no denying that the PS3 had the most AAA exclusives this year with LBP and MGS4, compared to the 360's only AAA title Gears 2.


You Actually Admited something Positive about the PS3? the shock & awe!!! Well glad to here it from ya, but Gears 2 is a pretty damn big deal and i heard left 4 dead was pretty sweet to but Fable? no Gears owns Fable in my book.

At anyrate yeah, PS3's best was this year in terms of its own status from last year. :P


I've made DOZENS of positive things about the PS3!!

dozens out of 3000 posts... :p

ps - I want Valkyrie Chronicles to be ported to the 360!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


no need for IGN to tell me that. I already know.

I agree with the article. I had the more fun with my PS3 this year. Well my PC the most but that doesn't count I guess.