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List wars are a sin, everybody. I just want ot remind everyone! List wars are a sin and they are not healthy for you.

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1st DS - 557K

2nd Wii - 521K

3rd 360 - 312K

4th PSP - 174K

5th PS3 - 145K

gebx said:
DMeisterJ said:
Fernando said:
Zim said:
360 is doing really well. Hopefully for the next xbox MS will realise how much the 3 red lights hurt them in the start and make sure the console is insanely reliable. Im sure without 3rl the 360 would have been in a much better position currently.

DmeisterJ talking about how these things don't affect everyday life positively or negatively while having over 13000! posts on a sales tracking website. Boy that seems pretty strange. 13000 posts made about something that he thinks doesn't matter. Seriously DMJ for someone that constantly tells people to get a life maybe you should consider how much time it took you to make 13000 posts.


Actually... I've been posting less and less as this problem has become more prevalant.  I got to 10k a while ago, with just around a year of posting, and now it's not unlikely that I can go a day or two without posting too many times.


You're constantly in denial!!

For example this last message... looking quickly in your post history, you've posted 425 post in 10 DAYS!!!

An average of 42.5 posts a day!!!

What you wrote in your sig is basically a description of what you do...

I'm sorry to sound like an ass here, but your in denial.. you take this more seriously then anyone else here.

Ouch, BURN.


Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

leo-j said:

No its not, when you have a competitor, that started loosing market share to the PS3, they cut the price to extreemly cheap proportions, the 360 is $199, and in europe in some places its as cheap if not cheaper than the "DS"(which is $129.99 in the U.S for comparison), compared to a $399.99 console, and extreemly more expensive in both japan, and europe, you wouldnt expect the PS3 to outsell something that is beyond cheap.. add to that we are in a recession, you think people have the $$$$ to waste 400-500 dollars on a video game console?

There are several other factors that add to the lowered demand for the PS3, but arent as major as the PRICE. But I will say one anyway, the Media has destroyed the playstation brand. Its recognition is damaged beyond repair, every video game site its an attack after an attack, go to youtube, if you would dare, you can find TONS of ps3 "sucks" videos, there are 360/wii ones as well, but are a minority compared to the amount of attacks seen agains the ps3 and sony. Remember the "Skinny girl vs Fat girl" comparison? Who do you think made that ad? Btw.. Im not going to make a huge argument, Im sure you will all just say "But your a fanboy, but this, but that," when its true, the media HATES the console, its hurt the brand, the Price is extreemly high, and Microsoft continuesly takes system sellers from the PS3, and continues to drop the 360's price, so that sony has no chance to outsell the competitor.

there is nothing that can be described as "extreme" when talking about MS' price cuts. The 360 costs 100$ less than what it did 3 years ago. That's absolutely normal and in line with the usual price drop policy in the console industry .MS was just smart with the core model .

fulcizombie said:
leo-j said:

No its not, when you have a competitor, that started loosing market share to the PS3, they cut the price to extreemly cheap proportions, the 360 is $199, and in europe in some places its as cheap if not cheaper than the "DS"(which is $129.99 in the U.S for comparison), compared to a $399.99 console, and extreemly more expensive in both japan, and europe, you wouldnt expect the PS3 to outsell something that is beyond cheap.. add to that we are in a recession, you think people have the $$$$ to waste 400-500 dollars on a video game console?

There are several other factors that add to the lowered demand for the PS3, but arent as major as the PRICE. But I will say one anyway, the Media has destroyed the playstation brand. Its recognition is damaged beyond repair, every video game site its an attack after an attack, go to youtube, if you would dare, you can find TONS of ps3 "sucks" videos, there are 360/wii ones as well, but are a minority compared to the amount of attacks seen agains the ps3 and sony. Remember the "Skinny girl vs Fat girl" comparison? Who do you think made that ad? Btw.. Im not going to make a huge argument, Im sure you will all just say "But your a fanboy, but this, but that," when its true, the media HATES the console, its hurt the brand, the Price is extreemly high, and Microsoft continuesly takes system sellers from the PS3, and continues to drop the 360's price, so that sony has no chance to outsell the competitor.


there is nothing that can be described as "extreme" when talking about MS' price cuts. The 360 costs 100$ less than what it did 3 years ago. That's absolutely normal and in line with the usual price drop policy in the console industry .MS was just smart with the core model .

Brick, meet wall.

It's hard to try to debate reason with someone who posted this:

leo-j posted 10/12/2008, 11:55
I just hate the wii, and yes it shows on the forums, im not a joke, and I take that as an offense. Wii doesnt deserve its sales, and there are millions of gamers, that arent nintendo fanboys that agree with me 100 percent.

Remember, the Internet is forever.


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The funny thing , that some sony fans dont understand , is that even now it is easier for MS to further drop the price of the 360 than it is for sony to drop the price of the PS3. A 349$ ps3 will probably go up against an 149$ arcade 360 next holiday season .

To everybody look at my sig. :)

@ gebx

Well of course, I'm on break from school now so I have ample free time.


And of course you'd rather call me out than accept the truth since it applies to you as well... It applied to me some time ago, but not anymore. That's called growth. Something you wouldn't understand...

DMeisterJ said:
@ gebx

Well of course, I'm on break from school now so I have ample free time.


And of course you'd rather call me out than accept the truth since it applies to you as well... It applied to me some time ago, but not anymore. That's called growth. Something you wouldn't understand...


 Just like the growth in the gap of my sig. :)

Haha, and some though Wii wouldn't even hit 40 million, and 46-47 million was supposed to be nigh impossible.

Bet - "PES 2009 (PS3) will sell (closer to) 150k first week in Japan" - Pooperscopper
"It will sell closer to 125k" - Me I agree.

End of '09 Predictions:

Wii: 78 million
X360: 35 million
PS3: 27 million