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Whoa. Apparently this turned into an NPD thread without me noticing. What's with all the bickering and meltdowns? This wasn't that surprising or unexpected a week...

Since people keep coming back to the question of "how does the Wii keep selling?" I'll just include another link to the thread I created to answer that topic. The answer: massive, dominant, exclusive software sales.

My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

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Xponent said:
RayRay102 said:
c0rd said:
theprof00 said:

Just some interesting statistics of ps3 and wii buying habits.

more than 16 million AAA ps3 games have been sold, more than 90 percent ratio.

only ~22 million AAA wii games have been sold. roughly 60% ratio compared to the install base

What did you use to classify games as "AAA"?

I'd bet the leader tends to be on the lower end like that in all gens. Curious what the PS2 v GC/Xbox would look like.

edit: I get what you meant now. Nvm anyway, since reviewers loved GTA the PS2 has no trouble there...

Really, I guess a game like Mario Kart is not AAA because well it sold like 10 millions. AAA is a made up word. AAA is killer app in my book and it makes people buy more systems and sell through the roof like Sumeer movie blockbusters. So no LBP is not AAA because it didn't do any of that but Mario Kart is AAA.




Even with mario kart that only makes 32m.

If we are going to start deciding for ourselves what counts as a AAA game without using some kind of actual system then we are going to be getting anywhere. But I'm sure that is the point of arguing this simple little interesting tidbit.

If you think we should include MKWii, which, IMO is not as good as DD or 64 except for graphics and controls. They did away with supermoves.....

If you think we should include that, then we should include ps3 games that should have beat 90, drakes, ratchet and the orange box. Which would put ps3 AAA games at 26 million, which equals an average of 1.33 AAA games per console and leaves wii with .8 AAA games per console

This was meant to be just an interesting fact about what kind of games system owners buy, thanks for raising the shields as always.



great 360 sales .. yes keep going 360 :)

DMeisterJ said:
Fernando said:
Just say it: "The PS3 is doing bad"

You guys will feel better... just face it... face your fears...

The problem is people like you and Maynard who are rubbing in the fact that the PS3 isn't doing good. 

Don't be an asshole. 

Make your observation, and move on. 

The PS3 isn't doing good.  Big fucking deal.  You take the console wars so seriously.  Guess how much the PS3 not doing good affects your everyday life?  None.  You don't work for Sony, or have stock in the company, so if it sells 1 unit or 1 billion units in a week, the fact of the matter is that it has no affect on you positively or negatively.  The fact that you get some sort of sick enjoyment or pleasure out of what some people do take to heart makes you an asshole and a very sad person.  Some people cannot tell the difference between what affects them and what doesn't, and physically can't admit that the PS3 is doing bad because of that.  But it's not up to you to rub it in and get some sort of pleasure out of always posting your PS3 hate.  We all know you don't like it, and love that they're not doing good.  But rubbing it in is such a bitch move. 

I really don't care if I get reported or banned for the comment or what I said, because someone needs to tell the fucking truth on this site, and if I'm going to be the only person to do so, then that's what I'm going to do.

i don't usually comment in sale threads, but i've never seen a serious response to a fernando response. i'm amazed someone would actually spend time making one.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is the best Zelda title ever made.

"The Person Who Got the Closest to Winning the 1st VGC VC Giveaway, but still lost"

DMeisterJ said:

Look at my sig, it definitely goes both ways, or all three ways actually.

Woah, hold on a minute there. I've heard of going both ways, but what this going all three ways?


Around the Network
thekitchensink said:
Wii is only 970k away from overtaking the PSP.


Nice.. it will reach that goal next week!


izaaz101 said:
DMeisterJ said:

Look at my sig, it definitely goes both ways, or all three ways actually.

Woah, hold on a minute there. I've heard of going both ways, but what this going all three ways?


You've never had a three way?



theprof00 said:
Xponent said:
RayRay102 said:
c0rd said:
theprof00 said:

Just some interesting statistics of ps3 and wii buying habits.

more than 16 million AAA ps3 games have been sold, more than 90 percent ratio.

only ~22 million AAA wii games have been sold. roughly 60% ratio compared to the install base

What did you use to classify games as "AAA"?

I'd bet the leader tends to be on the lower end like that in all gens. Curious what the PS2 v GC/Xbox would look like.

edit: I get what you meant now. Nvm anyway, since reviewers loved GTA the PS2 has no trouble there...

Really, I guess a game like Mario Kart is not AAA because well it sold like 10 millions. AAA is a made up word. AAA is killer app in my book and it makes people buy more systems and sell through the roof like Sumeer movie blockbusters. So no LBP is not AAA because it didn't do any of that but Mario Kart is AAA.




Even with mario kart that only makes 32m.

If we are going to start deciding for ourselves what counts as a AAA game without using some kind of actual system then we are going to be getting anywhere. But I'm sure that is the point of arguing this simple little interesting tidbit.

If you think we should include MKWii, which, IMO is not as good as DD or 64 except for graphics and controls. They did away with supermoves.....

If you think we should include that, then we should include ps3 games that should have beat 90, drakes, ratchet and the orange box. Which would put ps3 AAA games at 26 million, which equals an average of 1.33 AAA games per console and leaves wii with .8 AAA games per console

This was meant to be just an interesting fact about what kind of games system owners buy, thanks for raising the shields as always.




The point is, metacritic scores are simply one way of defining ‘AAA’. Ultimately, these scores are subjective, and represent the opinions of a specific demographic (That is, the hardcore readership), quite removed from the mainstream, as sales would indicate . Obviously, as you imply, it’s impossible to be absolutely objective here.

Contrary to what you suggest, its not a case of simply deciding for ourselves what does or doesn’t constitute ‘AAA’, rather, what I believe RayRay102 is implying is that sales performance is another useful approach for judging quality, particularly from the point of view of the consumer. The results in this case would completely different from the metacritic approach.

By this criteria Mario Kart Wii is indeed ‘AAA’ because it pushes hardware and dominates the charts. The assumption here is that a good game is one that sells well. Nonetheless, sales data is arguably a wider and more representative measure than the views of the hardcore elite.



sales performance is not a judge of game quality, it is a judge of a role being properly filled. There are plenty of things that people buy that aren't what they could be.
The problem with each of the games you mentioned is that they lacked what they could have been. There will be games in the future that do them one better because now people know that the market is there.
Wii fit sales do not make it good, having a cheap, fun way to exercise is what makes the sales. That doesn't mean that Wii fit is the best game it could possibly be, and that is what you don't understand about metacritic. It isn't about the "hardcore" demographic, it is about the game.

Look at spiderman 3, one of the biggest selling movies of all time, along with the new 3 star wars movies. Your logic would say that these are good movies, and film critics, those hardcore elitists, know nothing about what is popular.

The difference here is that what you define as quality is according to a criteria outlined by a small elite, whether they be gaming reviewers, film reviwers etc.

What I am saying however, is that quality, being an inherently subjective measure, is in the eye of the beholder. If the majority disagree with an elite minority in a subjective evaluation, that does not make them wrong.

If you want to define quality according to metacritic, then fine, but it will clearly disadvantage Wii and DS, because some of the gaming elite won’t even accept casual titles as games at all.

But to define quality according to sales is equally valid, and more representative. You can’t deny that it is more representative, and it's all subjective after all.

Edit: If you want to continue this discussion, then lets do it in the other thread.