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Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:
WHOA WHOA WHOA! DMJ, u know Cam? yung u too? lemme find out. Insta-props if so.

Everyone knows Cam, he sucks.. nobody likes him anymore lol

Jim Jones + Juelz > Cam



*GASP* BLASPHEMY. Jim Jones sucks ass right now. He is waay too big headed right now and is coming out with crap music (ever since he practically left Dipset). Juelz on the other hand, is good but he doesn't release much. Cam > Juelz >>>>>>> Jim Jones BY MILES.

Around the Network

Wow, emotion are high today.

Anyway, DmeisterJ, if some people get a woody over the PS3 doing badly. let them. It does nothing to me, you or Sony. I have spent less time in this site because i have so many great games I am playing on my PS3.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
y0ungK!d said:
DMeisterJ said:
Fernando said:
Just say it: "The PS3 is doing bad"

You guys will feel better... just face it... face your fears...

The problem is people like you and Maynard who are rubbing in the fact that the PS3 isn't doing good. 

Don't be an asshole. 

Make your observation, and move on. 

The PS3 isn't doing good.  Big fucking deal.  You take the console wars so seriously.  Guess how much the PS3 not doing good affects your everyday life?  None.  You don't work for Sony, or have stock in the company, so if it sells 1 unit or 1 billion units in a week, the fact of the matter is that it has no affect on you positively or negatively.  The fact that you get some sort of sick enjoyment or pleasure out of what some people do take to heart makes you an asshole and a very sad person.  Some people cannot tell the difference between what affects them and what doesn't, and physically can't admit that the PS3 is doing bad because of that.  But it's not up to you to rub it in and get some sort of pleasure out of always posting your PS3 hate.  We all know you don't like it, and love that they're not doing good.  But rubbing it in is such a bitch move. 

I really don't care if I get reported or banned for the comment or what I said, because someone needs to tell the fucking truth on this site, and if I'm going to be the only person to do so, then that's what I'm going to do.

Your right, sales doesn't affect us;however, why are YOU on this site? A site about SALES. And I could of sworn seeing you say "go ps3" whenever it's doing good, yet when they aren't doing good "it doesn't matter." You, my friend, is a hypocrite. You were probably the same person claiming "teh 360 is doomed," six months ago. And I could of sworn you're the first one to mention the 360 sales blunders. Anyway, to reiterate my point, whay are you here if you don't care about sales? Whether Sony is failing or succeding shouldn't matter to you. So I shouldn't expect you to keep saying "go ps3" anymore, right?


I was not that person.  And yes, this is a sales site.  So sales discussion here is what I expect.  Getting sick pleasure out of people who aren't happy with sales isn't what I expect.  I'm here cause I do care about sales, and discussing them, not tormenting people. 

I will keep on saying Go PS3, because I enjoy my PS3 and it's game and I want it to go.  lol.

psrock said:
Wow, emotion are high today.

Anyway, DmeisterJ, if some people get a woody over the PS3 doing badly. let them. It does nothing to me, you or Sony. I have spent less time in this site because i have so many great games I am playing on my PS3.


I have had so much enjoyment over playing my PS3 as of late, I can't see how getting so serious over sales was ever something I did.

SnakeEyez said:
Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:
WHOA WHOA WHOA! DMJ, u know Cam? yung u too? lemme find out. Insta-props if so.

Everyone knows Cam, he sucks.. nobody likes him anymore lol

Jim Jones + Juelz > Cam



*GASP* BLASPHEMY. Jim Jones sucks ass right now. He is waay too big headed right now and is coming out with crap music (ever since he practically left Dipset). Juelz on the other hand, is good but he doesn't release much. Cam > Juelz >>>>>>> Jim Jones BY MILES.

Juelz >>>>>>>>>> Cam + Jim Jones, I think they both suck

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amp316 said:
Falcon095 said:
amp316 said:
Off topic. The Safety Dance is the greatest song ever written. God himself says that it's more impressive than the Grand Canyon.


What? Buddha just told me that it's more impressive than Chichen Itza.


LMAO.  We really must not have any good games to play. 


lol, the problem here is that the Wii ain't have a DVD player (at least VHS?) i mean, i can live without "AAA", "AA", "A" and "XXX" games but.. What am i supposed to do without a DVD player?! Shame on you Nintendo, Shame on you..

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

SnakeEyez said:
Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:
WHOA WHOA WHOA! DMJ, u know Cam? yung u too? lemme find out. Insta-props if so.

Everyone knows Cam, he sucks.. nobody likes him anymore lol

Jim Jones + Juelz > Cam



*GASP* BLASPHEMY. Jim Jones sucks ass right now. He is waay too big headed right now and is coming out with crap music (ever since he practically left Dipset). Juelz on the other hand, is good but he doesn't release much. Cam > Juelz >>>>>>> Jim Jones BY MILES.

Whoa WHOA, let's not exxagerate here, lol. I agree Jim Jones fell off (although I'm loving Day&night remix), but Cam is dead. I know all the lyrics to his old shit, he's not the same.  and besides, I live in Brooklyn and I can say for a fact that everyone hates Cam. lol!

Juelz hardly releases his own tracks, that's true, but everytime you hear him on a remix he blows everything away. Even when he did that callabo with Weezy, his lines > Weezy.


Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

DMeisterJ said:
y0ungK!d said:
DMeisterJ said:
Fernando said:
Just say it: "The PS3 is doing bad"

You guys will feel better... just face it... face your fears...

The problem is people like you and Maynard who are rubbing in the fact that the PS3 isn't doing good. 

Don't be an asshole. 

Make your observation, and move on. 

The PS3 isn't doing good.  Big fucking deal.  You take the console wars so seriously.  Guess how much the PS3 not doing good affects your everyday life?  None.  You don't work for Sony, or have stock in the company, so if it sells 1 unit or 1 billion units in a week, the fact of the matter is that it has no affect on you positively or negatively.  The fact that you get some sort of sick enjoyment or pleasure out of what some people do take to heart makes you an asshole and a very sad person.  Some people cannot tell the difference between what affects them and what doesn't, and physically can't admit that the PS3 is doing bad because of that.  But it's not up to you to rub it in and get some sort of pleasure out of always posting your PS3 hate.  We all know you don't like it, and love that they're not doing good.  But rubbing it in is such a bitch move. 

I really don't care if I get reported or banned for the comment or what I said, because someone needs to tell the fucking truth on this site, and if I'm going to be the only person to do so, then that's what I'm going to do.

Your right, sales doesn't affect us;however, why are YOU on this site? A site about SALES. And I could of sworn seeing you say "go ps3" whenever it's doing good, yet when they aren't doing good "it doesn't matter." You, my friend, is a hypocrite. You were probably the same person claiming "teh 360 is doomed," six months ago. And I could of sworn you're the first one to mention the 360 sales blunders. Anyway, to reiterate my point, whay are you here if you don't care about sales? Whether Sony is failing or succeding shouldn't matter to you. So I shouldn't expect you to keep saying "go ps3" anymore, right?


I was not that person.  And yes, this is a sales site.  So sales discussion here is what I expect.  Getting sick pleasure out of people who aren't happy with sales isn't what I expect.  I'm here cause I do care about sales, and discussing them, not tormenting people. 

I will keep on saying Go PS3, because I enjoy my PS3 and it's game and I want it to go.  lol.

Hey, give the guys a break.

This is pretty much the only place on the internet where Nintendo fans aren't ridiculed. Sales are all they've got. If they wanna rub it in your face, then let 'em.

yungmagic09 said:
SnakeEyez said:
Infamous said:
SnakeEyez said:
WHOA WHOA WHOA! DMJ, u know Cam? yung u too? lemme find out. Insta-props if so.

Everyone knows Cam, he sucks.. nobody likes him anymore lol

Jim Jones + Juelz > Cam



*GASP* BLASPHEMY. Jim Jones sucks ass right now. He is waay too big headed right now and is coming out with crap music (ever since he practically left Dipset). Juelz on the other hand, is good but he doesn't release much. Cam > Juelz >>>>>>> Jim Jones BY MILES.

Juelz >>>>>>>>>> Cam + Jim Jones, I think they both suck


 MAN! EVERYTIME I see "Jim Jones" I think of this!

I know it's a completely different guy but for some reason... i think of that song.

@ okey

My face?

No, PS3 fanboys' faces.