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Forums - General Discussion - What Was the Naughtiest/Nicest thing you did this year?

This way Santa doesn't have to work so hard.  He can just look at the thread and decide if you deserve that copy of Prince of Persia you wanted for Christmas.

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Naughty- Big Fights, Cuss, Disobeyed my Mom, called my Mom a skank, ETC.....!

Nice- Cared about others....kinda, recycled....i helped people!

ohh...and i gave some girl a bag of homemade biskits today cause she didnt get any!! ^_^

Im under Naughty Arent I!

Naughtiest - lashed out and punched my brother in the eye, giving him a really big black eye, probably the only time I've ever done anything like that, and probably the only time I've had a massive fall out with my parents all year, probably the last time aswell. I felt so bad, like a huge lump of guilt and regret, horrible, lasted for about three weeks (the feeling). And it still pains me to think about it now.

Nicest - Too many things to name, I'm generally a nice person, offering help to those who need it.

Soriku said:
Naughty - Too much :)

Nice - I made people laugh with my post in your sig.



Nintendo Fan Girl said:
Soriku said:
Naughty - Too much :)

Nice - I made people laugh with my post in your sig.


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ohh another naughty thing is  i called my dads girlfriend a sl** on the phone!!!


Nintendo Fan Girl,

Wow. You're a bigot.  I'm reporting your post right now.. hopefully you'll be banned as bigotry is not tolerated on VGChartz :)


Naughty = I tend to slack off sometimes, Make my brothers and sister mad on purpose and whatnot.

Nice = I help my astronomy teacher with the planetarium a lot! I am in the Red cross club and help out, I don't Lie often, I help my brothers and sister with homework and other things, I never steal, I never get angry at anyone no matter how hard they try, and loads of other stuff.

damkira said:


Nintendo Fan Girl,

Wow. You're a bigot.  I'm reporting your post right now.. hopefully you'll be banned as bigotry is not tolerated on VGChartz :)



Bigotry isn't tolerated towards members of the site.  As much as I don't like it, she's going along with the spirit of the thread and I'm not her mother so I'm not going to tell her not to call her teacher a fag.

That said, Nintendo Fan Girl will please at least get rid of the ...told Mr. Fag (my math teacher)... bit.  While I'll tolerate the telling of the story since that's what the thread is about but the first part just isn't needed.

What if she called her teacher Mr. Nigger? Would you delete the post then?

Its beside the point if she doesn't like her teacher.. there's no reason to use bigotted slurs here. That is, unless bigotry against some groups is acceptable while bigotry against others is not.

You've deleted bigoted posts in the past and I'm just wondering why this is different.