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Forums - General Discussion - I may not be near snow for Christmas!! ;-; (thats just sad!)

to me...the ONLY thing that makes Christmas...Christmas is snow!

i HAVE to visit my dad in florida ;-; he lives in a city 3 miles away from Tampa! im gonna be there for a loooong time!

1 week! =P still i love snow i may be there over Christmas!! =o


and i want to hear from you....what makes Christmas...Christmas! or Hanukkah!!!

>_> <_< not new years!!

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It's spelled Hanukkah or Chanukah.

Traffic jams at malls, staying up later than usual and eating more food than people should.

Dogs Rule said:
It's spelled Hanukkah or Chanukah.

Traffic jams at malls, staying up later than usual and eating more food than people should.

ohh...SORRY! i have a C- in english


Why are you going to your dads? I thought you hated him.

Oh well anyways, sorry to hear you wont be playing in the snow. I doubt it will snow here in England either, if it does I will send you some in the mail lol.

highwaystar101 said:
Why are you going to your dads? I thought you hated him.

Oh well anyways, sorry to hear you wont be playing in the snow. I doubt it will snow here in England either, if it does I will send you some in the mail lol.

i do! but the courts told my mom that i have to go there this christmas! ;-;



Around the Network

My family all in the same room lol, and coal fires.

Hey, NFG, at least it snows where you live.

In my country, Christmas happens during the summer time and it is unbelievably hot.

Lets trade places. I'll go visit your dad in a nice warm state and you can come freeze your ass off and play in the snow in new york. i hate the winter.

I like watching my 2 1/2yr old nephew open presents on christmas and writing christmas cards...driving around the streets at night just to look at the pretty lights & decorations with the heat blasting of course, I hate the cold.

My daughter is my world.

xtastemyvenom said:
Lets trade places. I'll go visit your dad in a nice warm state and you can come freeze your ass off and play in the snow in new york. i hate the winter.


while im there ILL visit pichu_pichu!!!!!!


Well I won't be near snow in Xmas too, if that makes you feel better. Of course, I won't be because it's summer here (and whatever, it never EVER snows here even in winter), so at least I'm not gonna be disappointed. What's a snowy Xmas? I only know hot Xmases