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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why are PS3 figures so low this close to Xmas?

leatherhat said:
200 vs 400

Enough said

Except the 360 SKU that's selling the most is the 60gig.

Why are people going to pay more for a PS3 when they can get the same quality multiplats (and better in some cases), a bigger library of games, more game genre variation, netflix, NXE, Live, etc? The economy isn't helping, either. Also, cheaper Blu-Ray players now.

Sony fanbots on this site are so delusional.


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It's too expensive

FishyJoe said:

Bad economy + most expensive = lowest sales

Second that. Its the most expensive console by a LONG way now (almost 2:1 in Australia).

Also the games haven't taken off, or proved to be the "must buy" titles this Xmas...


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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rhisc said:

The most expensive console.  Cheaper blu-ray players.  Bad economy.

But if these figures are right it could mean big trouble come 09.

I mean whats left if no pricecuts are forthcoming.

I would not like to see them falling too far behind as it would be bad for competition.






Agree with the price point saturation and the perceived value compared to competing systems is lower than last year.  Another problem with the perceived value of the PS3 with blu ray is the fact that stand alone players are MUCH cheaper than last Xmas.  I'm sure the global economic situation also doesnt bode well for big ticket items with a minimum 30% premium over competing systems.

Around the Network
dolemit3 said:
No price cut == no rise in sales. Do the math.

That's why the Wii is struggling too.

Price. PS3 is the highest priced console this holiday, 360 is the lowest. Plus, MS is marketing the console to appeal more to familys.

Infamous said:
leatherhat said:
200 vs 400

Enough said

Except the 360 SKU that's selling the most is the 60gig.

Why are people going to pay more for a PS3 when they can get the same quality multiplats (and better in some cases), a bigger library of games, more game genre variation, netflix, NXE, Live, etc? The economy isn't helping, either. Also, cheaper Blu-Ray players now.

Sony fanbots on this site are so delusional.



Id point you to the black friday article that mentions that the arcade made up for half of Xbox sales, but Im too busy being a fanbot

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

I don't even think it has much to do with the economy. PS3 doesn't sell well because it isn't marketed as something that people want. Wii by its very name is a very wanted item because that's just how it is. That overrides the economy factor. Even 360 has some sort of hype advertisements with its games, like Gears 2 (although it has been a while).

Unless people see some kind of need to buy the product, then you're not going to sell. If people don't need you, than you as a business will not survive. Entertainment, as funny as it sounds, is a human necessity like food and water and shelter. People will always be in need of entertainment, especially in economic downturns like we see today. But PS3 doesn't market itself well as good entertainment. It markets itself as more technology, and so it's bound to not sell as well as Wii or even 360.

"Faith is the Essence of things hoped for; and it is the evidence of things not seen"

FishyJoe said:

Bad economy + most expensive = lowest sales


Exactly.  And while many think the blue-ray player is a value added feature, most people don't care about blue-ray -- they are happy with regular DVD or are waiting for HD downloadable or streaming movies.

Including a blue ray player on the PS3 was definitely a double-edged sword.  It may have helped Sony win the HD format movie war, but it's taking a toll on their consoles due to the increase in price.