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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If You Could Have Changed 1 Thing in Each Console's Release

theRepublic said:
For all those saying that the PS3 should have been cheaper:

What would you remove from the PS3? Sony can't just eat even bigger loses than they actually had. Since more would sell at that lower price, Sony would lose even more.

 The obvious choice would be Blu-Ray.


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Wii- Launched with Pikmin 3

Xbox 360- Launched with RRoD problems

Ps3- launched at $850, but was vastly superior to the Xbox 360 in every conceivable way.


DS- Launched with Super Smash Bros DS

PSP- Faster loading times innitially, 2 anlog nubs (that worked better) double battery life (for a wopping 10 hours)

The noise problem on the 360 is fixed if you run games off the hard drive.

I would have liked to have far more storage space for the Wii.

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Wii- as is.
PS3- $300-$400.
360- Fix RROD.

Wii - For free
PS3 - For free
360 - For free

360 Tested it properly, even if that meant it released later
Wii Wii Play should have been released at launch in the Americas
PS3 Cut costs, no hardware emulation (software emulation on all models), a budget option without wifi - wired internet is enough for many consumers

wii: i wouldn't release it i would have keep it for myself
x360: put more stuff in the hardware like wi-fi and a 120 gb hard drive
ps3: price it at 499$, bundle two games with it a couple months after the launch, add a price tag for psn that way everybody would be happy over paying for better service

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Wii: More Wiis.
PS3: God of War 2 should have been a PS3 launch title.
360: Hardware quality.