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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dragon Quest X MEGATON... overrated?

Look do you want an RPG or do you want an RPG that plays out like a shounen anime?

Let's clear this up

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Khuutra said:
Look do you want an RPG or do you want an RPG that plays out like a shounen anime?

Let's clear this up

Why shounen anime? I want an RPG that offers me the thing that RPGs like Suikoden, Persona, Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, Xenosaga, Chrono Cross, Shin Megami Tensei or Kingdom Hearts offer (probably left some off there, but that's the bulk).

I don't associate those series with shounen anime. I just demand a good story, interesting characters and a customizable battle system

Soriku said:


There was a thread on NeoGAF like a few days ago where DQ VIII got slammed. Needless to say, VIII seemed like a big turn off :P

Give link, I wanna feel like I'm not the only stupid human who hated the game, it'll make me feel better

All right at least you left off Tales

Look, the storytelling in DQ is just very d-I can't argue this!

I don't even play the games! I'm only now considering buying DQIV for my DS!

I am very sorry everyone I have to go now

So you were recommending me a DQ without having played any of them? That's...strange. Let's see if you still can do that after playing one

@ claude

Who thought PS3 could comeback, or 360 had a Future in JP?

Anyone who thought either was foolishy stupid.

Wii we already the JP winner when it launched, as it was in NA and EU. And DQ always goes to the winner. This is hardly a megaton. We all knew a DQ X was coming, and to the winning console. Seems kinda like a no-brainer.

But it would have been hilarious if MS money-hatted this game. The tears that would have flown would have been high-larious.

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zexen_lowe said:
So you were recommending me a DQ without having played any of them? That's...strange. Let's see if you still can do that after playing one

I... I thought I mentioned it...!

Khuutra said:
zexen_lowe said:
So you were recommending me a DQ without having played any of them? That's...strange. Let's see if you still can do that after playing one

I... I thought I mentioned it...!

Damn, now that I read your post again, yeah, you mentioned it. I'm sorry, I thought you were trying to convince me to give DQ another chance by suggesting a game you had liked.

I wouldn't trust the "good things" I heard, I did the same with VIII and look how it turned out. Still, if you really want to give the series a chance, my advice is to avoid VIII like a plague. Who knows, maybe the others are good, maybe they're all the same, I dunno, and I probably won't be the one who'll discover it


Soriku said:


Thanks! This is gonna be good


I'm in the same boat as Zexen. I've only tried VIII and it was not all it was cracked up to be. Perhaps I'm just not into the ubertraditional JRPG anymore. One of the few JRPG's that I just quit in the middle.


@ donathos

I havent seen anyone say it will be bigger than FFXIII

I've seen
It will be bigger than FFXIII in Japan
and I have seen
This announcement is a bigger blow to Sony then the announcement of FFXIII going multiplat (because it FFXIII is still on the PS3, and exclusive in Japan)