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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dragon Quest X MEGATON... overrated?

"I hear some rumors about MH3 possibly being on the PSP, and (if true) it would seem that those at Capcom are a bit unsure about making MH3 exclusive. Even with the Wii having a much larger userbase in Japan, Third party companies still doubt the Wii to an extent.

I understand that DQ is a very large title in Japan, but what if DQIX sales explodes on the DS? Would they ignore it and still develop DQX for the Wii?"

They are probably going to develop X for the Wii regardless of how well IX sells on the DS since they've announced it.

The Capcom situation with MH3 raises some questions though. If they do this and put MH3 on the PSP since it is popular enough in Japan and the Wii and Capcom gets a good return from making it a multi, then we might see a trend where more of these games are multi instead of exclusive and DQ X could wind up being on the Wii and DS or the Wii and PSP or Wii, DS, and PSP, and they would effectively mitigate much of the impact that the Wii would get from having this game.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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I wouldn't say the announcement is overrated. It essential precludes any chance of the PS3 catching the Wii in Japan. If DQX was a PS3 exclusives it could have done a lot to shift the tide. This sows up the Japanese market for Nintendo. This the second and largest major JRPG franchise to go to Wii. Tales made the shift but that game series doesn't have near the selling power that DQ does in Japan. Although I'm intrigued to see what Team Symphonia does with the Wii.

BTFeather55 said:
Of course if IGN and other Western review sites score it like they did Tales of Symphonia 2 it wouldn't make a big impact in the West regardless of how popular it is in Japan.

Tales of Symphonia 2 was simply... meh. Not exactly a polished game, it was sold at a lower price ($40) for a reason. I wouldn't put too much weight on it. I'd say more, but...

ToS 2 fans, forgive me!

Japan: 100% Megaton
USA: 40% Megaton
Europe: Not shure if it is a Megaton

If anything it's underrated. With Dragon Quest comes a shift in power and image. Can you believe some Japanese developers still think the Wii is a "fad"? I remembEr some wacky Sega developer claiming that the PS3 would overtake the Wii...despite the already large gap. It's going to be a bit hard spreading FUD and being apprehensive about the Wii's dominance in Japan when it has Dragon Quest in its court. This also guarantees that the 360 has little to no future in Japan (regardless of what it does to the PS3) and that any PS3 comeback is simply not going to happen even with a couple of FF13 games.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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It's huge nonetheless. Now with Monster Hunter 3 and Dragon Quest so far going to the Wii, I am afraid, KH3 will definitely go Nintendo's way.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Dragon Quest is the biggest franchise in Japan.

It is a megaton.

It means yet another DQ game im probably not going to buy since I dont like the wiimote.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

It means I now have two RPGs to look forward to. :) I havn't played a DQ game since it was called Dragon Warrior.

wow i didn't knew DQX was coming to wii now im truly happy i chose nintendo this gen