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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dragon Quest X MEGATON... overrated?

Khuutra said:
The biggest point here is that other RPGs follow Dragon Quest - in fact, Japanese development in general tends to. Dragon Quest is important because it is indicative of a trend, more than because of the game itself.

Though the game itself is still hella cool.


I'll check out 9 and see if it's worth my time, than I may buy DQ 10.

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I hear some rumors about MH3 possibly being on the PSP, and (if true) it would seem that those at Capcom are a bit unsure about making MH3 exclusive. Even with the Wii having a much larger userbase in Japan, Third party companies still doubt the Wii to an extent.

I understand that DQ is a very large title in Japan, but what if DQIX sales explodes on the DS? Would they ignore it and still develop DQX for the Wii?


I don't think it's a megaton but it is a pretty huge announcement. DragonQuest is huge in Japan (bigger than Final Fantasy) and only means good things for the Wii.

The only reason I wouldn't call it a megaton is because DQIX is already on the DS so it's no huge surprise to see it continued on a Nintendo system.

SlumsofOhio said:
I hear some rumors about MH3 possibly being on the PSP, and (if true) it would seem that those at Capcom are a bit unsure about making MH3 exclusive. Even with the Wii having a much larger userbase in Japan, Third party companies still doubt the Wii to an extent.

I understand that DQ is a very large title in Japan, but what if DQIX sales explodes on the DS? Would they ignore it and still develop DQX for the Wii?


Capcom squashed that rumor on their MH3 site yesterday with a "thank you for expressing your interest in a port, but we are making this for the Wii" post.

Khuutra said:
The biggest point here is that other RPGs follow Dragon Quest - in fact, Japanese development in general tends to. Dragon Quest is important because it is indicative of a trend, more than because of the game itself.

Though the game itself is still hella cool.


Okay, well I guess my question's been answered then! :)

In American political-geek terms, it's kind of like winning the New Hampshire primary...

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Dude Dragon Quest is huge. For many gamers who may have been doubting a Wii purchase, this will be the mandate.

It is not overrated. But what it means might be. If it means Square is going to stop all post Nova Crystalis PS3 development and head back to Nintendo for all its future this gen development it's a pretty heavy announcement. However, If it leaks out in the next few weeks that Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be a Sony exclusive it doesn't mean so much in the big picture of things just that the Wii will be getting another 10 million seller that is closer to or of the same quality as their Zelda and Mario games rather than their usual faire.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

I think this could be the best selling DQ outside of Japan. On SNES, PS, and PS2 the DQ series had to compete with tons of more western oriented RPGs, like FF. DQX WILL be the flagship RPG WW for the Wii when it releases. So it is possible MAYBE this one will make a dent in the west, if not because the only reason would be less competion.... linda like how I believe FE:RD is the best selling FE in the west (could be wrong)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Khuutra said:
The biggest point here is that other RPGs follow Dragon Quest - in fact, Japanese development in general tends to. Dragon Quest is important because it is indicative of a trend, more than because of the game itself.

Though the game itself is still hella cool.


My understanding is that DQ always goes to the best selling console (handheld) in Japan.  It's not JRPGs following DQ, it's more like Japanese developers following where money goes.  But with PS2 is still alive and handhelds become the dominant game device in Japan, the situation may be different this time.

Look at the Level 5 lineup for 2009, 7 out of 8 are for DS/PSP.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

Of course if IGN and other Western review sites score it like they did Tales of Symphonia 2 it wouldn't make a big impact in the West regardless of how popular it is in Japan.

Heavens to Murgatoids.