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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here thinks FFVXIII will go multiplat.?

RPG said:
Dianko said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Dianko

Uum in Japan (where Versus XIII will matter the most) the PS3s userbase is higher than the 360's and how have the sales of ANY SE JRPG (IN ANY REGION) on the 360 lead you to that conclusion?


 SE is not going to make the decision based on either consoles userbase in JAPAN. PS3 sells like shit, and 360 sells even worse. This is a Final Fantasy game, it will sell in America, and it will sell in Europe. So the question they would be asking is, is it worth it giving up on the 40 million + plus userbase the 360 will likely have by the time this game launches? I think it's foolish for anybody to make any arguments regarding HD exclusivity that hinges on sales in Japan.


Your digging yourself in it deeper and deeper, best you stop while your behind.

Really? I kinda thought the non-answers were more telling about whose doing the digging. The simple matter of fact is SE is not gonna decide FFvXIII's exclusivity on what, 4 million PS3's vs. 1.2 million 360s sold in Japan. They're gonna look at the combined market of 30 million PS3's and 40 million 360's and say "Hey, Final Fantasies usually sell pretty damn good outside of Japan. Why don't we consider that we might double our sales by making it multiplatform?" "Double you say? That's good. I like money, our shareholders like money."

I want to know why you are so certain that the game will stay exclusive when going multiplat offers SE so much more in terms of potential profits? The only way this game is staying exclusive is there is a deal in place that says it cant go anywhere else, or a deal is being put in place for that to happen. Otherwise, the logical business decision is to at least consider the possibility after seeing how well FFXIII sells on the 360.


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Quite ironic Sony own 9% of SE shares so they are only gaining from extra sales. Business is not that easy Dianko, to people with very low level thinking it seems so straight forward but in reality it simply is not.


perpride said:
forevercloud3000 said:
I don't think and truly HOPE it doesn't go to 360.
Tetsuya Nomura has told all of his staff to completely ignore the fact that the Final Fantasy XIII is treasonous to the PS3 because they were going to still stay the course. He says that they will do with the PS3 that FFXIII won't because it is now multiplat. I believe he might have already begun to fill the BluRay disc(maybe on the second one????)


Could you link me to this?

Link to Nomura's Claim that Exclusivity is needed to make a game the best it can be...

Link to Nomura stating that FF Versus XIII will stay exclusive...


Nomura has the right idea in that in order to bring a game to it's highest potential it must be exclusively made for one platform to focus on (whether it be 360 or PS3 or even Wii). MultiPlats ruin that which is what I have been saying for the last few years.





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

You got it CGI, forevercloud not messing around here.


badgenome said:
kutasek said:
It's not gonna be released in this generation.

The ten year plan says otherwise!



We didn't even see Final Fantasy 13 gameplay footage, so it's hard to believe they gonna release a new one. They may release it at the end of the cycle.

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RPG said:
The one thing people do not understand is how business works, you have to keep other businesses happy in order to make your business successful. FFXIII went to 360 but SE kept it exclusive where Sony wanted it most, then a few months after that FF Agito, PE3 were announced for PSP and Versus a worldwide exclusive.

Why do you think SE did all that? It's to keep Sony happy, now if they went through all that just to put Versus on 360 Wada wont be making any friends. Nomura wants it to stay PS3 exclusive so Wada would piss off Sony and his most important dev just for a million extra sales.

Business is business, you have to think of the future not just gains in the present.

$$$ > anything else when you're trying to make you're business successful.  As pointed out earlier, It doesn't matter at all to SE if Sony is happy with them or not.  What is sony going to do about it? Shoot themselves in the foot by refusing to allow SE to release future games on the PS3? 

If V13 went multi it wouldn't surprise me in the least.


@ CGI-Quality

Thx ^^

See! That is how you handle the ramblings of a bitter fanboy. You simply shove hard facts and reasoning down his throat. Take notes of this CGI, lol.

FF Versus XIII is going to most likely stay exclusive because of one very important factor, Tetsuya Nomura
-Loves PS3 (bit of a Playstation Fanboy)
-has shown no interest in 360
-Has been pushing PS3 exclusivity from the beginning.
-Is trying to make the best game possible in this current date which can only be done on PS3.

So yea, it is staying exclusive. Stop sitting in your dark corners all day wishing for PS3 exclusives and just buy one. It is so aggrevating yet fullfilling to see so many people pine over PS3 exclusives. Never see that on other systems, EVER!




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

RPG said:
The one thing people do not understand is how business works, you have to keep other businesses happy in order to make your business successful. FFXIII went to 360 but SE kept it exclusive where Sony wanted it most, then a few months after that FF Agito, PE3 were announced for PSP and Versus a worldwide exclusive.

Why do you think SE did all that? It's to keep Sony happy, now if they went through all that just to put Versus on 360 Wada wont be making any friends. Nomura wants it to stay PS3 exclusive so Wada would piss off Sony and his most important dev just for a million extra sales.

Business is business, you have to think of the future not just gains in the present.


 I don't think you have a grasp on how the business world works. Especially in a publically traded company like SE. When you're a publically traded company, you generally have two goals: maximize profit in the short term, and to reinvest profits to grow and diversify their business (so as to maximize profit in the future). Going multiplatform accomplishes these things, since they will be open to a new market that is bigger than the one they are currently working on (PS3), and have the ability to cultivate a fanbase where previously there wasn't much of one (360). This way, when next-gen rolls around, they'll be in a better position to sell more games to more people in a greater geographic setting. No company would want to confine themselves to the whims of one country and its userbase for one system (as you suggested earlier saying that as long as PS3 was beating the 360 in Japan that was all that mattered to them). That's a suicidal business strategy in the long term in a market like gaming, where every gen a reset button is pressed. The fact that the 360 is getting all these SE games proves this, since SE made the mistake of assuming the PS3 would dominate, so they were caught offguard when the Wii took over, especially brutally in Japan. Simply put, for a publicly traded company that SE is, staying exclusive to Sony requires one simple question to be answered: What do we get out of it? If the answer to the question is less than what they think they could get out of porting it, it will be ported. There will be no "honor" or "loyalty" or some other BS nebulous concept that doesn't bring in money.

Even going into your notion that Wada isn't making any friends, it's not Wada's place to in this market. SE provides the software, but they wouldn't have a business if there was no hardware to sell it on. It was Sony's job to provide the userbase to 3rd parties, it was Sony's job to keep those 3rd parties happy so that other wouldn't be able to woo away SE's top franchises that saw releases ONLY on Sony systems last gen (FF and DQ). They didn't do that, so SE made the decision to spread out their line up. And most importantly, it's not as if SE back stabbed Sony. PS3 is still getting these games. FFXIII and vXIII and Last Remnant are going to be on the PS3, and the only reason IU isn't is because MS helped fund it. SO4 will see a PS3 release as well (though there is a rumor that MS funded IU so that tri-Ace would have the engine to use on SO4, and in return asked for timed exclusivity).

Finally, Nomura. Nomura is an employee. If he doesn't like it, he can protest and try to convince the higher ups. If he really doesn't like it, he can find another job. In a corporate setting, he's not the one that makes those decisions.

To be honest, I find it a bit ironic that you consider my analysis of this to be very low level. Your argument is extremely simplistic.


Remember the FFXIII trailer that said it was exclusively on PS3? How did that end up working out?

ME! Basically I don't trust anymore exclusivity announcement of SE on PS3. 360 highly likely since it's outselling it.

So I'd give SE more than enough doubt on their words on anything PS3 exclusivity related.


It is not wise to underestimate Nomura's influence over the games. He has been an integral part of every single super successfull FF game.
and has even created a few other very successful franchises of his own...
-Kingdom Hearts 1-2
and is in charge of many other projects or at least is very important to their development....
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII
-Artist for FFXIII
-Dissidia Final Fantasy
-KH Birth By Sleep
-KH 356/2
And not a Dud in site. Yea, he is single handedly the most valuable asset SE has right now. He also is the only reason that I pay any attention to them right now. Without him, they loose quite alot. He is to SE, as Kojima is to Konami. BELIEVE IT!!!




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)