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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 10 over-rated games of 2008

I agree with MGS4 and Mass Effect being overrated, disagree with Left 4 Dead.

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Euphoria14 said:
LBP on this list?


THIS ^^^


Burnout paradise shouldn't be there at all

I agree with MGS4 and LBP. The story in MGS4 wasn't good mainly because one thing was the answer for everything. The gameplay to cutscene ratio was pretty terrible. As for LBP, the gameplay was lacking, and I love platformers.

I might be in the minority but Fable 2 would end up in my top 3 of overrated game. While polished, it was quite frankly boring and devoid of really serious game play or leveling system or game mechanics. The main story line was quite short and not very deep.

hduser said:
I might be in the minority but Fable 2 would end up in my top 3 of overrated game. While polished, it was quite frankly boring and devoid of really serious game play or leveling system or game mechanics. The main story line was quite short and not very deep.


lol, Fable 2 was far from polished.

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Reasons were given for the over-ratedness....and it seems fair, 'cept for the ones i didn't play so i can't say (LBP)

but wii fit.......the only thing that made this over-rated was its sales. There were no great reviews, no great word of mouth, nothing really. I also don't think it's a fad.

in fact, since mass effect is there you might as well change #1 to assassin's creed

GTA IV was definitely hugely overrated... so was Assassin's Creed, tho that was last year.

this guy is just a loser

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

"Many of the following ten games are great. A few came close to being on my top ten list (to be posted tomorrow). I would call a couple of them works of genius. But I think they're the most overrated games of the year for the simple fact that I'm surprised at how well received they were. I wouldn't recommend any of these without a few important caveats."

I'm pretty sure you're contradicting yourself between the first and last sentence. I stopped reading there.

edit: I looked up the definition of caveats.  I guess I don't know exactly what you are trying to say