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Forums - Sony Discussion - Home - Biggest ever Playstation software cash cow?

for those of you who doubt home will be a major cash cow, you clearly have not been on it yet to see its potential. advertising for movies and games is just the beginning. do you guys understand how much money is spent on the advertisement of things like games costs? now if you take that money and apply it to a crowd that is interested, that investment becomes even more worth the money. thats what home is doing. not to mention all of the people already buying clothes and items in home. those .49 and .99 cent items add up. how much do you think capcom paid to have resident evil degeneration trailers shown?


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Looks like the OP was right.

Home made more in 4 days than the Video store made in it's first week.

This is 49c hats, and 2 dollar shirts, and 5 dollar santa suits versus 15 dollar movies.

Cash cow confirmed.