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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "PS3 Has No Games" Argument Needs To Die A Terrible Death

The only significant ps3 exclusive in2008 was MGS4. The rest are a bunch of no-name games nobody outside of internet forums cares about , as evident by the official sales data (npd, charttrack e.t.c). The only certain for release in 2009 ps3 exclusives are killzone2 ,uncharted2 and infamous of which only KZ2 will be a success .

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Well I have to say that the argument has not been used for a very long time


I get the feeling you were recently banned, because I have not seen ANYONE create as many threads as you have in such a short time span.

Anyway, I haven't heard anyone say the PS3 has no games in a while, so I'm not sure this topic is relevant anymore (much like the Cell and Blu-ray...... kidding).

Even though we know very little about Microsoft and Nintendo in 2009, if all those games get released in 2009, PS3 will have an epic year (and I will have an empty wallet).

Well mentioning only Smash Bros as worthy Wii exclusives of the year is fail. It's like if you only mentioned MGS4 or Gears2 in the exclusives part.

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
In B4 Leo(If hes not banned), MakingMusic,Spanky, & DMJ (If hes not banned)...

Oh and lets not forget teh trollz. :P


oh ya beat me to it! lol



Nice post. I hope the retail biscuit got what was coming to him as punishment for relaying that sad drivel.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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the constant post complaining about it needs to die as well.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

I8A_4RE said:
Yes, it's a fact that the PS3 is the console that has the most exclusives, so I don't know why people keep spreding this nonsense.


Cause Wii has the most exclusives you silly goose! ^_^

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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The thread fails because your list is completely your opinion. Many good games that are not on the PS3 are not in the list just to prove your point.

I didn't know that was still an argument.

no Wii games, no DS games, yet some only average HD games made it on to that list? common.