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Forums - Sony Discussion - no plans for netflix on PS3

Infamous said:
Reasonable said:
Look, Sony is planning on competing with Netflix, its obvious. They not be partnering with them.

Sony is looking to make as much as possible from BR with those who prefer physical media, and provide its own service directly through PS3 for those who want downloads. They already have the movie store and will surely expand its capabilities to mirror Netflix.

MS has gone for speed all the time this gen so far. Get your console out first. Buy exclusives rather than build 1st part support (not complaining, its a viable alternative) and partner rather than build for media.

Sony is going the 'do it yourself' route, providing the exclusives itself for the most part, providing its own movie store, etc.

Different approaches, that's all.

It's funny how you assume something and let it off as fact. Sony is trying to push BR as much as possible, why would they allow instant-streaming when BR hasn't even caught on yet?


Because it's clearly in their interests and their US movie store (which they've already positioned as coming to Europe eventually) shows that as a company they are more than happy to exploit digital access.  The jump from downloads to streaming is not a massive one and will be dictated by the market - i.e. if they see they need it (which I believe they will) they will support it.

Also, BR is just one factor for Sony.  They have music/content and those divisions will want to expolit more than just BR

I really don't see any big assumptions there.  Fanboys posting that Sony will quit the console industry before the end of 2009 would be my definition of a big assumption.  I'm not claiming to be right, but I am basing my thoughts on their own statements and actions plus the movement of the market in general rather than guess or simply post what I want to happen personally.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Around the Network
Solid_Raiden said:
Is there no way to play netflix on PS3? Even if you get an OS for it?


BTW if you really want the service on your PS3, Direct TV DVR, XBOX 360 without a Gold account you can try an application called Play on. They will be adding support for the Wii as well

 “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Stephen Henry Roberts


Coca-Cola said:,2817,2336531,00.asp

Sony has no plans to offer Netflix functionality on the PS3, according to hardware marketing director John Koller.

"We've concentrated most of our efforts on our download service, both rentals and downloads of movies and TV shows," Koller said in an interview with GamePro. "Our efforts will continue to be there, because our customers want to own the content."

Koller downplayed the importance of the Netflix agreement.

"I was in a focus group in New York recently, and the topic of Netflix came up with a group of Xbox 360 owners. [Most of] those people weren't aware of the Netflix agreement," he said.

 I think this is bad for PS3 owners.  I'm really enjoying Netflix on 360.


there is reports that Sony is going to make a exclusive deal with BlockBuster similar to the deal netflix made with MS. and since MS doesn't own any movie studios ps3 owners won't have some problems xbox owners are having with movies made by Sony Pictures

yeh for those that don't know. sony makes a lot more than playstation. the question really is, wat doesn't sony make.

but i don't really watch movies often, so regardless of this deal being done. i probability won't buy a single movie off ps3 or 360 regardless. maybe rent 1 or 2, but i don't really invest my $ on movies i already saw


swarley said:
Solid_Raiden said:
Is there no way to play netflix on PS3? Even if you get an OS for it?


BTW if you really want the service on your PS3, Direct TV DVR, XBOX 360 without a Gold account you can try an application called Play on. They will be adding support for the Wii as well


 Thanks, I've got a 360 and gold membership but my PS3 is hooked up to the better tv.

PS3 Trophies



damndl0ser said:
I have a lot of friends who come over to my place to do some gaming. And other than gaming on Live, Netflix on Live is what they like most. I know for certain Netflix has pushed 2 of them into buying a 360 instead of a wii.

I watch more movies on live now than actual gaming. So to those of you who think having netflix on the PS3 is a bad idea, you are totally wrong.

Netflix on the PS3 is a bad idea for Sony. It would be an awesome idea for us :D ESP considering we don't have to pay Microsoft $50 additional a year to use it ^_^

But if Sony can match netflix's online offerings (which is easily possible), and they decide to do they're own subscription service (if), then we'd be golden, more so then Netflix on the 360 :P

Besides, not having it on the PS3, just means that we watch it on the computer :x For the regular subscription price...


From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Around the Network
FPSrules said:
Coca-Cola said:,2817,2336531,00.asp

Sony has no plans to offer Netflix functionality on the PS3, according to hardware marketing director John Koller.

"We've concentrated most of our efforts on our download service, both rentals and downloads of movies and TV shows," Koller said in an interview with GamePro. "Our efforts will continue to be there, because our customers want to own the content."

Koller downplayed the importance of the Netflix agreement.

"I was in a focus group in New York recently, and the topic of Netflix came up with a group of Xbox 360 owners. [Most of] those people weren't aware of the Netflix agreement," he said.

 I think this is bad for PS3 owners.  I'm really enjoying Netflix on 360.


there is reports that Sony is going to make a exclusive deal with BlockBuster similar to the deal netflix made with MS. and since MS doesn't own any movie studios ps3 owners won't have some problems xbox owners are having with movies made by Sony Pictures

yeh for those that don't know. sony makes a lot more than playstation. the question really is, wat doesn't sony make.

but i don't really watch movies often, so regardless of this deal being done. i probability won't buy a single movie off ps3 or 360 regardless. maybe rent 1 or 2, but i don't really invest my $ on movies i already saw



I have a huge collection of dvd's and a few BR's.  But with netflix you can get movies that you wouldn't really pay for.  I happen to like some older movies that there is no way in hell I would buy.  Netflix has them so there is no need in buying them.  As an example ill give you a few I recently watched, and yets I know they are huge camp fests.


1) Soylent Green

2) Entire Original series of Battlestar Galactica

3) Buck Rogers tv series

4) Logans Run

5) Silent Running

6) Jeremiah

7) Night Watch / Day Watch

8) The Day the Earth Stood Still

9) The Omega Man

10) Friday Night Lights season 1 in HD

I still plan on watching a bunch of other stuff I grew up with in the 80's that I haven't seen in forever.  Like AirWolf and some other stuff.

I love 70's and 80's camp what can I say?

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




ChronotriggerJM said:
damndl0ser said:
I have a lot of friends who come over to my place to do some gaming. And other than gaming on Live, Netflix on Live is what they like most. I know for certain Netflix has pushed 2 of them into buying a 360 instead of a wii.

I watch more movies on live now than actual gaming. So to those of you who think having netflix on the PS3 is a bad idea, you are totally wrong.

Netflix on the PS3 is a bad idea for Sony. It would be an awesome idea for us :D ESP considering we don't have to pay Microsoft $50 additional a year to use it ^_^

But if Sony can match netflix's online offerings (which is easily possible), and they decide to do they're own subscription service (if), then we'd be golden, more so then Netflix on the 360 :P

Besides, not having it on the PS3, just means that we watch it on the computer :x For the regular subscription price...



I don't see how it could be bad for Sony if it helped sell systems.  I have a PS3 and it would make life a little easier for me, since I could stream movies to it in my bedroom, instead of the living room where my 360 is.

I have had netflix since it launched (for the most part).  And to be honest with you I may have watched 2 or 3 movies on my laptop or desktop computer.  It simply isn't as appealing to me.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




My kid and I were picking out what to watch on the 360 a few days ago, and she picked the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! She even made me get up and do "The Mario". I have never been prouder of her. I raised her well.

I'm currently watching all of the episodes of The Office, and Heroes season 2 and 3. I'll check out the other version of The Office next week. Netflix is amazing. I can watch porn on my PS3, but Netflix is on another level. Sony needs a service like this.

@Damnd On no I get what your saying, it would be fine on the customer end surely, but if they get they're own subscription service they'll be golden. As a move for SONY as a company, they need they're own store. They really do. They of all companies should have had one before any other company. They do almost every form of media!!!

I'm just saying, instead of fighting for netflix, which is silly for them as a company, they should just make they're online store better :P With more options if you will.

The whole Netflix on computer thing "can" be a problem, I just bought an adapter that will run from my PC to the receiver :P Life is magical. Anyone giving me an excuse like, "but you have to buy extra stuffs!", well you have to pay $50 a year to run it over the 360 :P No thanks. (yes, I don't like live gold :P )

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

ChronotriggerJM said:
@Damnd On no I get what your saying, it would be fine on the customer end surely, but if they get they're own subscription service they'll be golden. As a move for SONY as a company, they need they're own store. They really do. They of all companies should have had one before any other company. They do almost every form of media!!!

I'm just saying, instead of fighting for netflix, which is silly for them as a company, they should just make they're online store better :P With more options if you will.

The whole Netflix on computer thing "can" be a problem, I just bought an adapter that will run from my PC to the receiver :P Life is magical. Anyone giving me an excuse like, "but you have to buy extra stuffs!", well you have to pay $50 a year to run it over the 360 :P No thanks. (yes, I don't like live gold :P )

I see what your getting at as well, but I feel some of your reasoning is flawed.  It would be nice if sony got their own subscription based system, but to me it would be useless.  I already have a netflix membership that gives me actual DVD's or BR's pluss the download service.  There is no way I would pay for yet another membership to something  less than I have already.  And no I wouldn't give up netflix for an unproven expirment from Sony.


As for paying for live thing, I already have live and I will be paying for it if I watch netflix or not.  So it is just an added bonus that I can stream Netflix.  (I don't know much about the adapter your talking about, however I have enough things dangling from my entertainment centers.)


"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!