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FPSrules said:
Coca-Cola said:,2817,2336531,00.asp

Sony has no plans to offer Netflix functionality on the PS3, according to hardware marketing director John Koller.

"We've concentrated most of our efforts on our download service, both rentals and downloads of movies and TV shows," Koller said in an interview with GamePro. "Our efforts will continue to be there, because our customers want to own the content."

Koller downplayed the importance of the Netflix agreement.

"I was in a focus group in New York recently, and the topic of Netflix came up with a group of Xbox 360 owners. [Most of] those people weren't aware of the Netflix agreement," he said.

 I think this is bad for PS3 owners.  I'm really enjoying Netflix on 360.


there is reports that Sony is going to make a exclusive deal with BlockBuster similar to the deal netflix made with MS. and since MS doesn't own any movie studios ps3 owners won't have some problems xbox owners are having with movies made by Sony Pictures

yeh for those that don't know. sony makes a lot more than playstation. the question really is, wat doesn't sony make.

but i don't really watch movies often, so regardless of this deal being done. i probability won't buy a single movie off ps3 or 360 regardless. maybe rent 1 or 2, but i don't really invest my $ on movies i already saw



I have a huge collection of dvd's and a few BR's.  But with netflix you can get movies that you wouldn't really pay for.  I happen to like some older movies that there is no way in hell I would buy.  Netflix has them so there is no need in buying them.  As an example ill give you a few I recently watched, and yets I know they are huge camp fests.


1) Soylent Green

2) Entire Original series of Battlestar Galactica

3) Buck Rogers tv series

4) Logans Run

5) Silent Running

6) Jeremiah

7) Night Watch / Day Watch

8) The Day the Earth Stood Still

9) The Omega Man

10) Friday Night Lights season 1 in HD

I still plan on watching a bunch of other stuff I grew up with in the 80's that I haven't seen in forever.  Like AirWolf and some other stuff.

I love 70's and 80's camp what can I say?

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!