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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the Wii going the Way of the DS

radioioRobert said:
DaveD said:
They are probably getting fed up with their high def consoles losing to a "last gen" system

It's because the high def consoles are using "last gen" dinosaur controllers ;)

with that logic, the PC is basically first gen freakin keyboard + mouse technology


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I wish it would go the way of the DS with a variety of games(good to bad) being released all the time.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

CDiablo said:
I wish it would go the way of the DS with a variety of games(good to bad) being released all the time.


 do you remember the DS's library after 2 years?

it was MK, Nintendogs, Mario64, and um Animal Crossing. brain training had yet to really catch on. The Wii is far ahead of the DS at the 2 year mark. Now, The DS really exploded after year 2... The Wii has been exploding all alone.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

i think that people are expecting the Wii to do this so its not big surprise, but many people see the xbox and ps3 still fighting for second place so when one does better than the other (xbox right now) they make a big deal about it...the wii is in a league of its own sales wise, the other two can't touch it so they there is nothing really to say

I started making videos for youtube; check them out.

Contra (No Deaths):

Super C (No Deaths):

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Mike Tyson TKO):

Systems owned: Atari 2600, NES(3), Top loader NES, Yobo NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Gamegear, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Wii, PS3 (slim 120 GB), Wii U

You should congratulate me. I destroyed the vile red falcon and saved the universe. I consider myself a hero.

you just have to read the hype thread to see it... people are not surprised with the Wii numbers... in fact the are pretty much in line with most people's predictions after the announcement of the increase in production. Many people thought the 360 would be down YoY and the PS3 would be up, but things have taken and interesting curve... hell since the price drop it's taken an interesting turn... people would rather talk about something that is interesting then something that is stagnant... Wii domination is stagnant... ever the fanboy Wii>PS360 has gone down to almost nothing.

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radioioRobert said:
DaveD said:
They are probably getting fed up with their high def consoles losing to a "last gen" system

It's because the high def consoles are using "last gen" dinosaur controllers ;)


"last gen" dinosaur controllers....that's some good comedy.


Who knows if Wii is gonna saturate the market? Who knows if it will have the breadth of games the DS does?

No one knows. I have my doubts but we have to wait and see.

Maybe becouse for hardcore gamer Wii can just as well be non existing ?

For me whenever i see wii sales numbers i wonder how people can be paying such rediculus price for it and do it in masses.


@ OP - there's only so long that you can be amazed by the Wii succeding. After a while it does become commonplace, and whilst the Wii is having incredible success, it doesn't make a good topic of conversation every week.

We can debate whether PS3 or 360 will sell more this year (well, we could until a couple of weeks ago, now it's too late for the PS3 to win) but even putting the Wii against the PS360, it's still not even close

We have become conditioned to accept something that should be surprising and in some ways worrisome.  When you recall the expectations and original perceptions the world has been turned upside down.  Going in, the Wii (or Revolution) was going to be “Nintendo’s Last Condole. When it came out without even HD, expectations sank even lower.

This generation was Sony’s to lose and coming off the overwhelming success of the PS2 noone expected anything but continued dominance. But damned it they didn’t through a combination of some very bad judgment and hubris to make a magnificent console…which had almost no market. Or at least almost no market at any price where they could make money.

Personally, I love the Wii and I admit that I didn’t mind Sony getting the arrogance knocked down a peg.  But it has reached a point when I really am concerned that Sony and the PS3 are in some danger. I’m not trolling and I’m not starting another the PS3 is dead discussion but sometimes it’s good to step back and really look at what’s happening this holiday.

I seem to have been in and out of Costco, this year since before Black Friday. They started out with huge pallets of each console and each portable. Everything with Nintendo flew out the door, was replenished and flew out the door again. The 360 stack shrank at a steady if not spectacular rate was replenished and is a little over one half gone. The huge stack of PS3s has been essentially untouched. Everytime I came in it was pristine. Wondering if they were restocking aggressively I turned one of the units on the top, upside down. This was two weeks ago. As of last night it was still there and a quick count indicated that a grand total of 2 units had sold.

I thought it might be a local fluke so I called a friend that works at a Costco a city at the other end of the state and he reported the same thing. I did and there it was. He said his manager was at a recent sales conference where it was being seriously discussed whether sale of the PS justified the floor space. The he said “look at the website.”  I did and it showed the same thing.


This has ceased to be a fanboy joke. Holiday sales are, to be blunt, in the toilet on a unit selling at a loss in a company desperately looking to slash “unprofitable’ ventures. It means they are not going able to afford to get at a competitive price point. Future development is or will be restrained and it things get much worse for Sony… they’ll have to be looking at the black hole for money that it has become.

I don’t want to see this happen. It would be a huge loss to the industry. History shows that it’s not a good idea to have Microsoft in an unchallenged dominant position and they would be in several genre’s of games. It was once kind of fun to enjoy their comeuppance but frankly I amtruly concerned. If a major console ever gets the smell of death. Developer support, costumer confidence can start a death spiral. You may laugh at me if you want but I could see Sony dropping out and if they do, they may not have the resources, the will, or the stockholder support to try for a comeback next gen.

Zlejedi said:
Maybe becouse for hardcore gamer Wii can just as well be non existing ?

For me whenever i see wii sales numbers i wonder how people can be paying such rediculus price for it and do it in masses.

I'm sure if Wii and PS3 or 360 sales were on a similar level Wii would exist to you and you would comment on its sales.  Even more so if it was selling much less than those consoles.  If it doesn't exist to you it is not because you have no interest in it but rather because PS360 sales are so insignificant next to Wii sales.



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