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Forums - Sales Discussion - EA cutting more jobs, issues warnings of lower sales and profit

@theRepublic: Did I reply to the wrong person? :P

I agree with your calculations, in fact they had been posted before in the post I linked to (Oyvoyvoyv wrote it). What I haven't seen yet is any calculation which leads to Esa-Petteri's numbers.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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I was just wondering if you saw my post that did come to 62% including Wii Sports. I think EA is probably using this number and calling it 2/3.

Since Wii Sports is included with the Wii, I would personally use the 54% number. It is a better representation of what is actually going on in terms of game purchases. Leaving out Wii Play would drop that percentage even further. Of course, that would make EA look bad, and they are trying to avoid that.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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NJ5 said:
Esa-Petteri said:

Well using the numbers from this site, I got a 60% figure. So ok, it is not 66%. It is just 60%. :)



Looks like I missed some game, since I got 120 millions and guy posting after me got 126 millions. Oh well. 62% then.


It seems I have to ask again what your calculation is... I looked at all the pages in this thread and I don't see anything leading to 60%, or 62. I don't even see any calculation from you. At least explain how you got to that number.


The same as TheRepublic's. I guess it is too hard for you to understand, but no problem. I'll just copy&paste:


Total Nintendo Published Wii Software (VG data - including Wii Sports): 125.89 million units

Total Wii Software (VG data - including Wii Sports): 202.69 million

Percent Nintendo Published software (including Wii Sports): 62.11%


I propably missed some game(s) since his number for nintendo published wii software was higher than mine.



theRepublic said:
I was just wondering if you saw my post that did come to 62% including Wii Sports. I think EA is probably using this number and calling it 2/3.

Since Wii Sports is included with the Wii, I would personally use the 54% number. It is a better representation of what is actually going on in terms of game purchases. Leaving out Wii Play would drop that percentage even further. Of course, that would make EA look bad, and they are trying to avoid that.

Oops, I had indeed skipped a part of your post (I thought the first part was just the data you pulled). So at best, the figure is 62% which includes bundled software... Even if that's what EA meant, at least it puts the statement in a new light.

edit - especially given that the number has been decreasing as Oyvoyvoyv's numbers show.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Number from VGchartz database:

Total SW 1st Party Published 3rd Party Published   # EA Published Titles EA Published Sales EA Percentage of 3rd party
Wii 203m 125.89m 76.81m 33 11.75m 15%
X360 190m 40.52m 139.86m 57 38.86m 28%
PS3 93m 21.64m 71.59m 43 17.58m 25%

“We would be doing better if Nintendo didn’t have such a stronghold on their own platform.”

EA's inability to sell software on the Wii is not entirely Nintendo's fault. 

EA has released fewer titles on the Wii that the PS3, even though the Wii sells more 3rd party software.  EA has a much lower market share of the 3rd party published titles on the Wii than either the PS3 or the 360.  How is Nintendo to blame for that?  This comes from not understanding the Wii market, combined with badly ported (RB1) or late (RB2) games.


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I blame EA's marketing. Check out this Skate It commerical.

And NCAA 09 on the Wii.

Seriously, are they trying to fail?

@BrainBoxLtd: Is that boxart for real??

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I'll answer for him: Yes.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Switch - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019)
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Wii U - Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (2010/2017)
Mobile - The Simpson's Tapped Out and Yugioh Duel Links
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

@theRepublic: Thanks. It seems there are at least 0.09 million blind Wii owners in USA.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

This is what happens when a publisher only focuses on the least profitable HD consoles market.

No wonder that EA is now shifting their business strategy to focus more on PC than consoles.

PC is where the big bucks are made.