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Forums - Sony Discussion - God of War 3 Demo.

That would be pretty neat! I havent played any previous GoW but i might do it under summer if KZ2 isnt enough for me x)

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Could the game be closer than we thought? :0

Demo or not its still my most anticipated game.


Gamesblow is not a credible source.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



awwwwww dont say that dbot, the podcast with him had him saying so many great games were in development.


Around the Network

We will have footage soon, and a demo after that....good times for gow fans

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

RPG said:
I think this rumour stems from VGtilt, some guy at Neogaf showed that they stealth edited the Uncharted 2 information, before they were very wrong.


Wow r u serious? give me a link to that I wanna see it. Gamesblow came and went so fast, didn't last long like surfer girl.

The guy who proved it, his post in on another thread but cant find it. Anyway read those replies and they say how it was proved wrong, google cache did so.


I don't believe this. I am just happy to hear that we will finally see gameplay footage next monday on the Spike VGA Awards.


yeah dont, the same website said Insomniac are going multi-plat and a developer at Insomniac who comes to Neogaf said it was absolute bullshit.

So if your not going to believe a developer, your not going to believe anyone.