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Forums - General Discussion - When did you stop believing in Santa?

I suspected at age 8, when I found a bought package of "To ______, From Santa" on the hutch. My parents confirmed it when I was 12, just wanted them to say it.

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I never stopped believing. I mean who the hell eats all the cookies and drinks all the milk I leave for him?!?!? It's not my parent's, they are always to blasted to wake up during the night and I always beat them in waking up first. On Christmas anyways.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Wait what?You must be kidding right.Joke thread?

About 10 years ago.

19 Years ago.

I'll be turning 17 this Xmas-eve btw.

4 ≈ One

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Blacksaber said:

The truth



4 ≈ One

Hes real just ask will farrell

My oldest kid is 7, and for every rebuttle he has, I come up with a quick answer.

Actually, today he asked me, "How did Santa get into house before we bought this one with the fireplace?"

My answer, "Oh, Santa has his ways, son".

Jordan: "yeah, but how?"

My answer, "the garage, i gave him the code to the garage door opener".

Jordan, "so why doesn't he just go through the garage at the new house too?"

My answer, "because he prefers the chimney?"

Jordan, "yeah, but why? The chimney is hot and dirty?"

My answer, "because Santa likes getting dirty, and he's fireproof"

Jordan, "If I get dirty, I get in trouble, and Santa doesn't bring toys to bad kids, so why does he do bad things like get dirty?"

My answer, "okay, stop with the questions or Santa won't bring you anything this year"

Jordan, "------"

Silence, oh yeah, empty threats still work... keep believing in Santa kids, or one days you'll wake up and not get anything for Christmas because you denied the man's existence.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Two years before anyone else i knew did.

I just outright told my parents. "Santa Claus isn't real right?"

Then about 8 or 9 times later they finally gave in.

My parents did a good job too... sometimes getting me doubles of toys on purpose.

"Oops Santa got you the same thing I did."

Of course it was always stuff i could use two of like vehicles for action figures or something.

The greatest trick Santa ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. From that point on he could just let parents do the work for him while he just sat back and downloaded porn off the internet. How do I know this? I'd tell you, but my porn just finished downloading. See ya!