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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Does the Xbox 720 need Blu-ray to succeed?

I can't say for certain what they'll use, but it absolutely won't be DVD. They've been catching enough flak for not giving devs enough space for HD gaming THIS generation--imagine what will be necessary next time.

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I doubt it'll use either DVD or blu-ray. It'll probably be a higher density disk than Blu-ray (that way they'll look more high-tech than last gen) unless that is simply too costly or perhaps a propritory HD-DVD format.

I expect MS will also be looking at making all games downloadable but even still some physical media is a must (at least for next gen).


largedarryl said:
Fernando said:
Well... I don't think it will reproduce Blu Ray discs, but if both Nintendo and Microsoft chose to use optical media, I'm pretty sure that both companies will use a high capacity disc, just like a Blu Ray disc, but with their own tech (just like Nintendo uses 9GB discs, but the discs are not DVD's... the media is called Wii Optical Disc)

But what I really really want is that, at least Nintendo, chose high capacity flash memory or cartridges instead of discs.

Imagine a 25GB memory card... less loading times and no mechanical parts on the console.

Now we don't want Nintendo going back to what alienated almost every 3rd party there was in the VG industry.  They would be smarter to go with a more industry standard format (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), but they will choose their own disc standard again, a modified blu-ray disc.


Well I thought 3rd parties got alienated because of not enough memory was in the cards not because they where memorycards…  


If Nintendo produces high memory cards then there won’t be any problems for 3rd parties 



    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Fernando said:
Well... I don't think it will reproduce Blu Ray discs, but if both Nintendo and Microsoft chose to use optical media, I'm pretty sure that both companies will use a high capacity disc, just like a Blu Ray disc, but with their own tech (just like Nintendo uses 9GB discs, but the discs are not DVD's... the media is called Wii Optical Disc)

But what I really really want is that, at least Nintendo, chose high capacity flash memory or cartridges instead of discs.

Imagine a 25GB memory card... less loading times and no mechanical parts on the console.


 there is several problems using cartiages or hardrives for game storage.

1-more expensive to make than dvd's, cd's, blu ray (all cd formats cost the same to make). also the reason why nintendo abandoned cartiages

2-how would it work when mutiple ones are needed

3-yes less loading time, but there probability be no dvd drive since its not needed for game storage to cut on prices

if you ask me, MS will eventually use blu ray. MS doesn't want to lose console sales simpility because their system is incompatailbe with the only HD format on the market.



Blu-Ray is not necessary imo. I rather have cheaper games that work rather than paying more for a flimsy format that might not be around in a year.

MS and Apple both see this and will not support Blu Ray.

Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

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FPSrules said:
Fernando said:
Well... I don't think it will reproduce Blu Ray discs, but if both Nintendo and Microsoft chose to use optical media, I'm pretty sure that both companies will use a high capacity disc, just like a Blu Ray disc, but with their own tech (just like Nintendo uses 9GB discs, but the discs are not DVD's... the media is called Wii Optical Disc)

But what I really really want is that, at least Nintendo, chose high capacity flash memory or cartridges instead of discs.

Imagine a 25GB memory card... less loading times and no mechanical parts on the console.


 there is several problems using cartiages or hardrives for game storage.

1-more expensive to make than dvd's, cd's, blu ray (all cd formats cost the same to make). also the reason why nintendo abandoned cartiages

2-how would it work when mutiple ones are needed

3-yes less loading time, but there probability be no dvd drive since its not needed for game storage to cut on prices

if you ask me, MS will eventually use blu ray. MS doesn't want to lose console sales simpility because their system is incompatailbe with the only HD format on the market.



By 2011/2012 its not like Blu Ray will be a compelling feature. The people who want Blu Ray would already own the format so its like the DVD capacity on the Xbox 360, pretty much irrelevent to the consoles success.

If they don't use a HDD OR Optical Drive they cut out the two main fixed costs of the whole system and it can scale to an incredibly low cost whilst being much more reliable and they will be able to package it in other consumer electronics.

With a SSD type disk, they will be able to pretty much kill piracy with a lot of assurance if they use a proprietary connecter and physical reselling of pirated media is far easier to prevent than the hacking of the console itself. Also compared to a 4/6x Blu Ray drive it makes the system whisper quiet, with only the fans really making noise.




no, it won't: if you see now, the dvd is getting small for next gen games (they must choice between bad graphics but long game, short game but awesome graphics, both but in various dvds, or good graphics and normal game hours), i'm also doubting blu-ray will be enough next gen, if you see MGS4 (a 2008 game) uses 40gb, imagine 2012, how good enough graphics will be, they'll need at least 100gb for well-made games, they could make another format, or another option would be the straming, download the games to the hard drive, but they would need an excelent connectivity, also a 3tb HD :S, dunno really, many things could happen in 4 years...

My console sales prediction for the end of 2009?? [made January 2 2009]
PS3: 30M -- XBox 360: 40M -- Wii: 72M -- PSP: 65M -- NDS: 138M

arsenicazure said:
DVD wont be making a comeback with 720.. It would put MS too much at risk. The ps4 will likely support 50GB+ discs( im not saying the ps3 doesnt support simply saying that they might become the de facto standard)

It would be silly if SONY was two jumps ahead of M$ in terms of disc space. 1080p will become the standard def next gen- consoles will probably support higher resolutions even. They will use the cheapest most efficient route.

Blu ray.. likely? sure.. if they can get 6-8x DVD ROM drives at cheap prices they will.Digital distribution Im not so sure about. It would restrict their market space, plus consumers like taking their games over to their friends to play.



and flash memory 50gb VS a disc 50gb the disc will always be cheaper to manufacture.


No, DVD is not good enough for the next XBOX... developers were already starting to complain about the DVD-9 space limitations even prior to the release of the 360.

Do I think the next format will be Blu-ray? No way.

I think their are TONS of other options that don't include paying their competitor royalty fees by using BD as the media format.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Comrade Tovya said:
No, DVD is not good enough for the next XBOX... developers were already starting to complain about the DVD-9 space limitations even prior to the release of the 360.

Do I think the next format will be Blu-ray? No way.

I think their are TONS of other options that don't include paying their competitor royalty fees by using BD as the media format.


actually no there aren't and they pay Fee for the DVD usage.

thats the reason nintendo choose to use it own disc format developed by panasonic in the game cube.