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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Does the Xbox 720 need Blu-ray to succeed?

The Xbox 360 is still trying to cement itself as one of the leaders in the current generation of gaming and already there's talk about its follow-up, the Xbox 720.

Interviewed in the latest Major Nelson podcast, Microsoft Games Studios chief, Phil Spencer explained that the resurgence of the E3 of old means Microsoft will need to step up its game this year and possibly discuss more than its short-term plans.

"The last two E3s at least, if I use that as a proxy for what's coming, we've talked a lot about what is coming in the next five to six months after E3, and we've had some pressure that maybe we want to think a little broader about what we want to say at E3, a little further out in the future," he said in the interview.

"I came out of an E3 planning meeting just about an hour ago, and we were looking at some of the plans for the future and things that we might want to tease, and it's very exciting," he continued. "There's a lot of stuff on the docket, and maybe we'll break the bank a little bit and talk about things that are further out, which will hopefully get the community excited."

What sort of things will Microsoft discuss? The company isn't saying. But you can bet that if it really wants to discuss the future, the Xbox 720 will highlight that discussion.

If it does, what should we expect from Microsoft? Surely, the company won't want to show its hand too early -- the next generation is probably at least two years away -- but it still wants to lay the gauntlet down and reassure consumers that although the Xbox 360 is a fine product to buy now, the Xbox 720 will be the best console of the next generation.

Great. But what about the Blu-ray issue?

There's no way Microsoft will install a Blu-ray drive into the Xbox 720 and to be quite honest, I don't think there's any reason for it to do so. The reason is simple: Microsoft doesn't want to pay a competitor -- Sony, the key backer behind the Blu-ray Association -- to use its format. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Microsoft realizes that Blu-ray isn't an ideal format, given the fact Blu-ray's chance of success is very much in doubt.

The single benefit Blu-ray provides to developers is its capacity. But once another generation rolls around, doesn't it stand to reason that producing DVDs will be even less expensive and it may yield a more cost-effective approach than using Blu-ray anyway?

Beyond cost, what's so bad with DVD? The games look perfectly fine on the format, most developers haven't had too much trouble developing for DVDs, and even less have spent time complaining that it's not as capable as Blu-ray. In fact, I've heard more gripes from developers about Blu-ray than DVD lately.

But we also can't forget that gaming is moving in an entirely different. Over the next few generations, the need for media like DVD or Blu-ray will diminish and games will be purchased over the Web and downloaded to a hard drive on the console. It's already happening now in small amounts, but rest assured that as the industry realizes the benefit of sending games directly to you and Blu-ray loses its fight against streaming, you can bet that all this talk about formats will be just another stepping stone in the storied history of gaming.

But until that happens, I simply don't see any reason for Microsoft to offer up Blu-ray in the Xbox 720. I see no reason to pay a competitor for the use of its format when it's cheaper to develop for another that's perfectly fine.

The future of gaming has nothing to do with Blu-ray. And although we don't know what Microsoft will include in the Xbox 720, I'm willing to bet it'll feature DVD and a strong online component where buying games through Xbox Live is made simpler.

It's the smart move.

Conclution: DVD is enough for Xbox 720.

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No. DVD will not do.

I doubt that dvd or blu-ray will be in the xbox 720

yo_john117 said:
I doubt that dvd or blu-ray will be in the xbox 720


i agree with this.

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"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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Well... I don't think it will reproduce Blu Ray discs, but if both Nintendo and Microsoft chose to use optical media, I'm pretty sure that both companies will use a high capacity disc, just like a Blu Ray disc, but with their own tech (just like Nintendo uses 9GB discs, but the discs are not DVD's... the media is called Wii Optical Disc)

But what I really really want is that, at least Nintendo, chose high capacity flash memory or cartridges instead of discs.

Imagine a 25GB memory card... less loading times and no mechanical parts on the console.

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It comes down to simple economics, for Microsofts next choice.

If the Blu-Ray provides the cheapest, most reliable, easy to manufacture, option...Then MS will do it. Sony doesn't own Blu-Ray. The Blu-Ray association, as far as I know, does. Sony is only 1 part of that association....

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Microsoft already pays Sony for Sony Pictures movies via Netflix and the Marketplace, right? So why is Blu-Ray any different?

Going into the future, Microsoft will look at every format - BR-DVD, HDDVD, HVD, and a litany of other formats, and chose what is the best. I think they'll certainly use something bigger than DVD, and preferably in the 20gb+ range, but I am unsure. I think they should use BR-DVD if it's cheap enough to produce by 2011, but we'll see.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Blu-Ray might not be ideal, but DVDs simply won't do. In the way you're thinking, what would've been wrong with CDs? Even though a dual layer dvd is 8.5GB, the 360 only supports 7.5GB. Now it wouldn't be a problem for sequential games like RPGs where disc switching is fine, but this won't do for open ended games. I definitely don't want to see innovative games being restrained due to disc space.

For example, very few games have native 1080p texture this gen. Imo, it's because 1080p needs more storage space as well as a drive that loads those texture fast enough. The PS3 has enough space, but the blu-ray drive is 2X and too slow to load those textures. In the next gen, it won't be the case anymore and DVDs simply won't do.

But, on the other hand, I totally agree with you that Microsoft will not use something for which they have to pay royalties. Personally, I can see MS going back to cartridges with new flash technology inside. Imagine playing your games on a 16GB flash usb key at USB 3.0 speed...That would be awesome imo.

"In the end, you're always on your own."

~ Squalll Leonheart


It certainly wont be dvd....they know better than that

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Fernando said:
Well... I don't think it will reproduce Blu Ray discs, but if both Nintendo and Microsoft chose to use optical media, I'm pretty sure that both companies will use a high capacity disc, just like a Blu Ray disc, but with their own tech (just like Nintendo uses 9GB discs, but the discs are not DVD's... the media is called Wii Optical Disc)

But what I really really want is that, at least Nintendo, chose high capacity flash memory or cartridges instead of discs.

Imagine a 25GB memory card... less loading times and no mechanical parts on the console.

Now we don't want Nintendo going back to what alienated almost every 3rd party there was in the VG industry.  They would be smarter to go with a more industry standard format (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), but they will choose their own disc standard again, a modified blu-ray disc.


DVD wont be making a comeback with 720.. It would put MS too much at risk. The ps4 will likely support 50GB+ discs( im not saying the ps3 doesnt support simply saying that they might become the de facto standard)

It would be silly if SONY was two jumps ahead of M$ in terms of disc space. 1080p will become the standard def next gen- consoles will probably support higher resolutions even. They will use the cheapest most efficient route.

Blu ray.. likely? sure.. if they can get 6-8x DVD ROM drives at cheap prices they will.Digital distribution Im not so sure about. It would restrict their market space, plus consumers like taking their games over to their friends to play.

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business