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Forums - Sales Discussion - wii just short of 50000 units sold in switzerland

Hey Rol, since you are a patriot and support Salzburg and i'm an AEK fan, how about we heat things up with a little wager? 

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


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Ah, too bad. I've just noticed  that Salzburg has Bierhoff  and Hessler still playing so it might  be an interesting game. Our grandpa (Rivaldo) will defeat yours!

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


AEK in overall have a good history against Austrian teams. 2 ties against Genk, 1 tie- 1 loss against Salzbourg and 1 win - 1 loss against Sturm Graz (qualifier AEK).

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


My bad, Genk is Belgian. I just consulted a shitty site that listed Genk from Austria.

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


VonShigsy said:
My bad, Genk is Belgian. I just consulted a shitty site that listed Genk from Austria.

 Belgians would be happy if Austria wants Genk :).

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Crap :(.

RolStoppable said:
konnichiwa said:
VonShigsy said:
My bad, Genk is Belgian. I just consulted a shitty site that listed Genk from Austria.

Belgians would be happy if Austria wants Genk :).

We don't take gifts from strangers.

You prefer giving gifts to them, like brainless dictators. but we had that already...

 For dweti: If you have read the first two or three posts where we were actually talking about sales numbers, you have seen that there are no numbers published usually. But because they said it only needs one more week, it should have passed those 50k easily. The last thing I read about console sales in switzerland was that the Wii makes up almost 50 percent of the console market (i.e. Wii, PS3 and X360, maybe also PS2, the article did not clarify). But the handheld market is way bigger in Switzerland than the console market, If I recall correctly, it was 2/3 to 1/3, but I could be wrong about that.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

RolStoppable said:
konnichiwa said:
Lol who was the German guy?

And yes a win is a win.

You seem to be an okay guy when you are not complaining about how Nintendo is ruining gaming as we know it. Football unites peoples.

GERMANY WWWWHHHOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!! We don´t need you guys anyway, try beating us at the EM we´ll see who is who then !

BTW Football divides more people than it unites.

EDIT: First on page 7, suck on that non german football fans.  




I am of German heritage but am not a "football" fan. Do I still have to "suck on that"?

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

hhhmmm..... good call, I´d say yes you do have to suck on that but not as hard as the rest. Anybody else not clear on their level of suckage ???