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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony: Motorstorm Pacific Rift hits over a million sold

epic: gears of war 2 sold 3 million

oh my god great 3 million in 1 month!

sony: motorstorm has sold 1 million

ah no thats shipped there are 999k on shelves. vgchartz track sold to consumers blah blah..

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hmm.. let's think this through logically:

If the game was overordered by retailers and still 3/4 in warehouses/on shelves, that would mean retailers haven't ordered new copies of the game, right ?

In that case the initial shippment of MS:PR must've been 1million or very close already, so why hasn't Sony made the announcement 1 1/2 month ago, when the game released?

GTAIV08 said:

epic: gears of war 2 sold 3 million

oh my god great 3 million in 1 month!

sony: motorstorm has sold 1 million

ah no thats shipped there are 999k on shelves. vgchartz track sold to consumers blah blah..

gears 2- 3rd fastest selling xbox360 game in the U.K . Debuted at n.1 in almost every european chart , still at the top-10 in some of them (including the biggest european market the U.K ). It will debut in the n.1 position in the NPD chart with over 1.5 million , possibly close to 2 million .This translates to a bit over 3 million thus far. motorstorm2- nowhere to be found in any sales chart apart from the U.K one where it debuted at n.25 before disappearing completely. This translates to 1 million thus far . Oh well MS2 must be selling amazing in africa, in the north pole ,in eastern europe ,in asia e.t.c......the same regions that MS1 sold 3.6 million copies

Lafiel said:

hmm.. let's think this through logically:

If the game was overordered by retailers and still 3/4 in warehouses/on shelves, that would mean retailers haven't ordered new copies of the game, right ?

In that case the initial shippment of MS:PR must've been 1million or very close already, so why hasn't Sony made the announcement 1 1/2 month ago, when the game released?

So your theory then is that every tracker is wrong.

That makes more sense?


Why is everyone acting so surprised? Overshipping and underselling is quite common in this industry: Halo 3 had 7 million copies ready to go on day one but only managed to sell like 3 million copies in the first week. Fallout 3 shipped 4.7 million copies on week 1 but they didn't sell so many copies in one week. Sony simply chose to show the bigger number (shipped to retailers), that's all.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

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@ Kasz216 )

hah, if you want to redicule me like that then... yes, basically every video games sales tracker is wrong, because none tracks all sales 1:1

Grooski said:

According to Michael Denny, VP Sony Worldwide Studio Europe, Motorstorm PR has sold over a million units. Mentioned in an interview with here.

"In terms of the other titles it was also important to focus on – the sequel to MotorStorm, we're pleased with the high Metacritic rating of 82 per cent and it's sold over a million units worldwide."

So has VGC severely undertracked MSPR sales or am I missing something?


That's not SOLD to consumers, that's SHIPPED to retailers. They shipped a million copies of the game worldwide, but they have sold a million copies yet. VGChartz may be under tracking it, but I don't think it's by much . Maybe 10K-20K at the most.

Companies idea if SOLD is selling the production to retailers. They won't get those games back from retailers, so it's SOLD to them. We care more about the games being SOLD to consumers from the retailers. It's meaningless if the game is sold to retailers, but never get sold to the gamers who the game was made for to play.


Naum said:
So you don't think 750k can still be on shelves around the world?


Not on retail shelves, but in retail warehouses. When Sony said they SOLD 1 million, they mean SOLD in to retailers. Sony usually doesn't sell their games directly to consumers, except on PSN and on their websites. Yes, selling 1 million copies to retailers is a good thing. Sony got their money, but retailers have recooped theirs yet. The only bad thing is retailers won't be calling Sony for a new shipment of this game anytime soon.

Wow people are really taking this thing way tooooooo far.

Fact: it is undertracked
Fact: Isn't undertracked by more than 100k

Think about vgchartz has 240k. AS OF LAST WEEK
Report comes in as of THIS WEEK
vgchartz needs to udate SW sales for THIS WEEK to be on the same page with the report
Motorstorm PR sold 60k last week
Motorstorm PR probablly sold that if not more this week
Motorstorm PR probablly has a 20k shipment headed for Japan

So when ioi updates SW charts for this week I'm sure it will be 300k. Now have 700k is still a crap load so I'm assuming this thing has been undertrack by ~7-10k weekly in each region. (14-20k week) Leaving the store shelves at about 600k (which is still a lot but I'm giving the benifit o the doubt of it not selling well) so this game very well might be close to 400k and ioi has it at 300k.


(BTW! everytime a company will ship 1mil at launch you hear about it. We didn't hear anything about it. So that leads me to believe retailers didn't over order and steady supply of shipments is being delivered. And I explained why retailers didn't over order last page or two)

Lafiel said:
@ Kasz216 )

hah, if you want to redicule me like that then... yes, basically every video games sales tracker is wrong, because none tracks all sales 1:1

How is pointing out the giant flaw in the crux of your arguement ridiculing?