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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony: Motorstorm Pacific Rift hits over a million sold

More than likely they were able to ship a lot as retailers would buy more of this title on a frontloaded basis. I mean the first sold well so that would be good reason to do so.

Thus there will be a larger separation between shipped and sold so our numbers could very well be right. But I'd suspect it wouldn't be that much on shelves and in retailer warehouses so I'm going to say we are under tracking by about 150k-200k.

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dbot said:
fulcizombie said:
dbot said:
drpunk said:
I'm intrigued. Who would sue?


Investors generally sue when companies mislead them. 

Of course he is talking about sold to retail because technically the retailers are Sony/Nintendo/MS's customers.  The sell through to the consumer influences how many units they can sell to the retailers.  As Bitmap Frogs has suggested, the retailers may have overestimated demand for the title.  If that is the case, you will see it discounted quickly.  My unofficial survey of retailers has this game currently selling at full price.  That being said, it is unlikely that there would be 75% of the copies sold to retailer still being held by the retailers.  If it really was that big of a disappointment, I think retailers would have begun discounting the title, similar to what happen to Haze within the first couple of weeks.

It's a slippery slope when you start to question VGC's numbers for some titles and not all titles.  It is very likely that they make mistakes or have some holes in their current coverage, but there is no better data on weekly sales to customers anywhere else on the Internet.



No need for speculation, we get weekly european charts and monthly U.S ones. It is quite apparent which games sell and which don't.

Great.  Can you post the number of units sold to the consumer for this title.  We can just close this thread after you post it.  Thanks again.



 Can't be over 400k (100k in the U.S and another 300k in Europe) and i'm being generous here. Anyway this confusion only happens with sony-published games since no SCE game has done well and sony feels "compeled" to post some bullshit numbers.

It could easily have that much of a discrepancy.

Remember Wii Music in Japan?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the official PAL charts, and UK charts all showed that Motorstorm: PR didn't sell very well in Europe, so it's not like VGC is doing something that's unprecedented.

So there are 2 possibilities:

1) VGC is undertracking it in America, where, by some reason, it's sold much better than we think
2) Retailers over-ordered the game.

I'd vote for #2, because it's not like Motorstorm didn't bomb in Japan or Europe. Could VGC have undertracked it slightly? Sure, but as far as I know, we don't have any extra info to confirm it. Chalk this one up as being over-shipped.

But at the same time - Maybe retailers believe that it'll sell well going forward into Christmas.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

great news.Good game. I hope they make a third one.

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fulcizombie said:
dbot said:
fulcizombie said:
dbot said:
drpunk said:
I'm intrigued. Who would sue?


Investors generally sue when companies mislead them. 

Of course he is talking about sold to retail because technically the retailers are Sony/Nintendo/MS's customers.  The sell through to the consumer influences how many units they can sell to the retailers.  As Bitmap Frogs has suggested, the retailers may have overestimated demand for the title.  If that is the case, you will see it discounted quickly.  My unofficial survey of retailers has this game currently selling at full price.  That being said, it is unlikely that there would be 75% of the copies sold to retailer still being held by the retailers.  If it really was that big of a disappointment, I think retailers would have begun discounting the title, similar to what happen to Haze within the first couple of weeks.

It's a slippery slope when you start to question VGC's numbers for some titles and not all titles.  It is very likely that they make mistakes or have some holes in their current coverage, but there is no better data on weekly sales to customers anywhere else on the Internet.



No need for speculation, we get weekly european charts and monthly U.S ones. It is quite apparent which games sell and which don't.

Great.  Can you post the number of units sold to the consumer for this title.  We can just close this thread after you post it.  Thanks again.



 Can't be over 400k (100k in the U.S and another 300k in Europe) and i'm being generous here. Anyway this confusion only happens with sony-published games since no SCE game has done well and sony feels "compeled" to post some bullshit numbers.

I guess there is a need for speculation.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



kanariya said:
Why do people think this site is so accurate?

I would trust the official word more than any numbers posted here.


Makes me wondering sometimes too.

The data for regions other than UK, US and Japan  has very low credibility for me.


kanariya said:
Why do people think this site is so accurate?

I would trust the official word more than any numbers posted here.


VGC isn't saying Sony is wrong.  What Sony is saying is they have sold 1 million units to retailers.  What VGC is saying is retailers have sold ~250k to consumers.

Neither contradicts the other meaning both could be correct.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

i trust VGChartz + NPD, + UK chartz, than sony word,
how come 1 mil, but failing so fast on chart, remember UK chart or NPD are considered to be accurate, not much differences with vgchartz

i think i vote number 2 option from mrstickbal
-retailers over ordered,

Dejelek, I'm almost absolutely certain that is the case. The first MotorStorm, though bundled, sold millions and I'm sure Sony made retailers very aware that over 3 million PS3 owners have the first title. Retailers bought up the sequel in huge supply.

This kinda shows how the first MotorStorm may have sold if it were not bundled.

The rEVOLution is not being televised