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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN: Who can save the PS3?

PS3 will not be able to push out the XBOX 360 on exclusives alone. it will have to buy a 3rd poarty developer and follow in mthe footsteps of microsoft. tbh i cannot see ps3 ever over taking the 360. Sony just have to accept 3 rd place for this gen and admit they got it wrong.

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I only agree with their points on sony itself. I think removing BC was the biggest mistake sony ever made. I know that if non-BC was the only option available when I bought a nex-gen system, I won't have bought a ps3 as swiftly as I did. I bought it early because I was making some serious cash on my internship at the time and it was the no-brainer choice because it could play my old titles. I'm currently replaying Vagrant Story. It's a ton of fun. Who said we need voice acting?

I think the removal of BC has made some ps2 owners upgrade to 360 and wii instead while the vast majority of them still wait in limbo for BC to return. I know many claim that they don't care about old games or that you can also buy a ps2 for cheap but there's a reason many people repurchase their entire movie collection when a new storage format is released instead of keeping the old VHS player.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Just to add: with no BC, ps3 feels like it's from a new console maker standing on it's own not the successor to an extremely successful console family

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler


Funniest reply in internet forum history.


You can't spell ignorance without IGN.

On the Backwards Compatability issue. I sold my BC PS3 after 7 months of no games in mid 2007. If I were to give the PS3 another chance, BC would have to return. I have not one regret selling the PS3, LBP does look amazing, but I can live without it. I never even considered a Wii until summer 2007.

The beauty of the PSX & PS2 was that they were both consoles for everyone. There was hardcore, there were Disney princess games. Games for everyone. Because of that, PS2 was the biggest market expanding gaming console of all time, though Wii will ultimately take that crown. PS3 was focused on the hardcore, and BluRay, not the "average gamer". Multi plat guitar games don't sell PS3's. A new Buzz or Singstar title won't cut it either. Sony put themselves here. This was their market to lose. Hell, I waited over 20 hours in line to get a launch PS3. There was no Wii line (it launched a day or so later).

Sony can save the PS3. Don't lie to your customers. Make games both accessible and affordable for everyone (see Microsoft strategy, not perfect, but better than yours). Look at the core Playstation values. Go back to what made you a success and look at how you've changed. Look at how you change "core values" based of what is convenient for you.....

2006: "Backwards compatibility, as you know from PlayStation One and PlayStation 2, is a core value of what we believe we should offer. And access to the library of content people have created, bought for themselves, and accumulated over the years is necessary to create a format. PlayStation is a format meaning that it transcends many devices -- PSOne, PS2, and now PS3."

Not even a year later (10 months) and "core values" go right out the window.

2007: "We have made clear on many occasions that our priority is on developing innovative new features and services for PS3 and not on backwards compatibility."

Sony must honestly think consumers and the press have the memories of a fly.

And while B/C is an old arguement at this point, it is a perfect example of showing how Sony has destroyed it's comsumer loyalty. Get a second job to get a PS3. The variety of games you've come to expect are not on this console. Buy only new games, your old ones are old and don't matter anymore (see VC, only you've always promised access to them without rebuying them). Don't promise games by "x" date and delay delay delay. Home will come early, no late 2007, early, no late 2008, maybe by beginning 2009.

The economy didn't put Sony here. Not MS, not Nintendo. Economy & MS & Nintendo didn't help. But Sony got here on it's own arrogance and disrespect of the consumer. Sony needs to look back at what values it let go and find them again. That might save them.

BAM! There it is!
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The next Dragon Quest could save the ps3 in Japan.

Cougarman said:
the PS3 has cell it doesn't need saving, once cell absorbs android 17 & 18 PS3 will be unstoppable.


cheese will be cheese and never become bacon...

Yeah but the next Dragon Quest game won't be on PS3. Dragon Quest is always placed on the platform with the highest user base. So if DQX does appear on a home console, it will be on Wii.

outlawauron said:
Sullla said:
Kasz216 said:

Third parties can't save the console.

I know this is going to seem like herasy but....

Games don't matter.

The system matters... people buy games for the system...

not systems for the games. It's all about perception of your system.

Games released can lead to improving that perception... but when your far behind... it takes more then that.

I must disagree Kasz. It's the exact opposite: it's all about the games. No one buys consoles because they like the hardware (OK, a few technophiles do, but they're irrelevant). Consoles sell because people want to play games on them, specifically exclusive games that they can't get anyone else. I just created a thread on this last week.

The problem with IGN's article is that it exists in some bizzaro world that doesn't relate to the current market. Why would third parties give the PS3 exclusive games, when they could release on the 360 as well? The notion that Sony would go about purchasing other companies right now is pretty laughable in the current economic climate.

Sony's best option is to rely on their first-party studios right now to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Releasing Gran Turismo would be the biggest thing Sony could do to help the PS3 right now, IMO. (Yes, more than cutting the price. Lack of differentiation from the 360 is hurting the PS3 the most right now - the platform lacks a killer exclusive game to drive hardware sales. Metal Gear Solid doesn't have enough mainstream appeal.)

Well if it's all about the games then the 360 would be number 1 being that is has more than both, but that isn't the case.

All you need is a cheap price and universally enjoyable game (Wii Sports).

Not true. Wii is selling because of its games. If price had anything to do with it, 360 would be beating Wii this holiday season. Games is always why a console wins. This time, Wii Sports has hurled Wii to superstardom.


radioioRobert said:

On the Backwards Compatability issue. I sold my BC PS3 after 7 months of no games in mid 2007. If I were to give the PS3 another chance, BC would have to return. I have not one regret selling the PS3, LBP does look amazing, but I can live without it. I never even considered a Wii until summer 2007.

The beauty of the PSX & PS2 was that they were both consoles for everyone. There was hardcore, there were Disney princess games. Games for everyone. Because of that, PS2 was the biggest market expanding gaming console of all time, though Wii will ultimately take that crown. PS3 was focused on the hardcore, and BluRay, not the "average gamer". Multi plat guitar games don't sell PS3's. A new Buzz or Singstar title won't cut it either. Sony put themselves here. This was their market to lose. Hell, I waited over 20 hours in line to get a launch PS3. There was no Wii line (it launched a day or so later).

Sony can save the PS3. Don't lie to your customers. Make games both accessible and affordable for everyone (see Microsoft strategy, not perfect, but better than yours). Look at the core Playstation values. Go back to what made you a success and look at how you've changed. Look at how you change "core values" based of what is convenient for you.....

2006: "Backwards compatibility, as you know from PlayStation One and PlayStation 2, is a core value of what we believe we should offer. And access to the library of content people have created, bought for themselves, and accumulated over the years is necessary to create a format. PlayStation is a format meaning that it transcends many devices -- PSOne, PS2, and now PS3."

Not even a year later (10 months) and "core values" go right out the window.

2007: "We have made clear on many occasions that our priority is on developing innovative new features and services for PS3 and not on backwards compatibility."

Sony must honestly think consumers and the press have the memories of a fly.

And while B/C is an old arguement at this point, it is a perfect example of showing how Sony has destroyed it's comsumer loyalty. Get a second job to get a PS3. The variety of games you've come to expect are not on this console. Buy only new games, your old ones are old and don't matter anymore (see VC, only you've always promised access to them without rebuying them). Don't promise games by "x" date and delay delay delay. Home will come early, no late 2007, early, no late 2008, maybe by beginning 2009.

The economy didn't put Sony here. Not MS, not Nintendo. Economy & MS & Nintendo didn't help. But Sony got here on it's own arrogance and disrespect of the consumer. Sony needs to look back at what values it let go and find them again. That might save them.

I think th removal of BC was one of the major blunders sony made (price being the other).  Once they removed BC they bumped sales for the PS2 I have aging PS2's and between a new PS3 or a new PS2 I like many took the new PS2 route which helped sony in the short term only.  If the PS3 was bc I may have bought it.


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks