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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN: Who can save the PS3?

taomaster06 said:
The time of exclusives for big titles are about to be over. Its much more profitable for 3rd parties to go multiplat. Its going to be up to sony to save themselves.........though im not sure why they would need to be saved.

Any 3rd party that goes exclusives, without getting $$$ gaurantees from the console maker is just crazy, and looking to take unecessary risk.  The way togo is to get $$$ for developement help, and something timed.  Look at pro sports, as a player, make sure you get some gauranteed money, and not all are incentives.  Bird in the hand and alll that is the key, but it's also a cost issue.  If you're not good at programming on the ps3....hmmmm......and vice versa.  Thing of it is that 360 and pc are so similiar that you have to weight the stand-up cost vs. the long term potential.


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Cougarman said:
the PS3 has cell it doesn't need saving, once cell absorbs android 17 & 18 PS3 will be unstoppable.

LOL,Thats the full power of the PS3 eh

^^^ AARRRGGHHHHH...what movie is that from!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

I say we change the topic to Garnett's sig...

PSN: Parasitic_Link

Cougarman said:
the PS3 has cell it doesn't need saving, once cell absorbs android 17 & 18 PS3 will be unstoppable.

F-Zero to kill the PS3 confirmed

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What is it with all the ignorant american articles ?

Add all this to all the stupidity in every mag gazet website about what to do with the auto industry and i cant go one day with out reading something totally retarded from one of the major media hubs.

Does the Ps3 have a sign that says "save me"on it's back?

Sullla said:
Kasz216 said:

Third parties can't save the console.

I know this is going to seem like herasy but....

Games don't matter.

The system matters... people buy games for the system...

not systems for the games. It's all about perception of your system.

Games released can lead to improving that perception... but when your far behind... it takes more then that.

I must disagree Kasz. It's the exact opposite: it's all about the games. No one buys consoles because they like the hardware (OK, a few technophiles do, but they're irrelevant). Consoles sell because people want to play games on them, specifically exclusive games that they can't get anyone else. I just created a thread on this last week.

The problem with IGN's article is that it exists in some bizzaro world that doesn't relate to the current market. Why would third parties give the PS3 exclusive games, when they could release on the 360 as well? The notion that Sony would go about purchasing other companies right now is pretty laughable in the current economic climate.

Sony's best option is to rely on their first-party studios right now to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Releasing Gran Turismo would be the biggest thing Sony could do to help the PS3 right now, IMO. (Yes, more than cutting the price. Lack of differentiation from the 360 is hurting the PS3 the most right now - the platform lacks a killer exclusive game to drive hardware sales. Metal Gear Solid doesn't have enough mainstream appeal.)

Well if it's all about the games then the 360 would be number 1 being that is has more than both, but that isn't the case.

All you need is a cheap price and universally enjoyable game (Wii Sports).

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DMeisterJ said:
The PS3 needs saving?


 I would of ignored that comment normally... but for christ sakes they are in last place by millions and the year of Sony 08 did not help. Yea they need saving its going down faster than the titanic. With the economy going down even worse you think any parent that does not make tons of money is even looking at the PS3 this year?

Look its like this. I work for a Gamestop in a decent 100K+ town. You know how many PS3 we sold during the entire Black Friday. We sold 2 of them, 1 used, and 1 new. Now do you know how many 360's we sold.... ALL of them 30 Arcades, 10 used, 10 Pros, and 5 Leet models..... HOLY SHIT thats an ass whoppin. At the end of the night we where telling people we sold out and trying to help sway them into getting the PS3.. no deal. Walmart next door still does not have them  instock.

Its not that its going on every place, but we are selling arcade units like they where Wii's for the love of god. Look I like the PS3 and I want it to do well and Sony to profit, but I am just waiting for PS4 already ive gave up on Sony trying to cram the PS3 down peoples throat. The frantic fanboys dont help either. Why cling to the titanic when its sinking. Yea launching of the ship was great, was a great desine, and looks preaty as fuck. But once it hit that ice I grabed a life boat and got my ass out of there. Now I own both and really just play the 360 more. I turn on the PS3 and play alot still yea but im not clinging to it like the fanboys do. I dont have to fight over which is better, the sales number tell that tale. Sorry to post that here now flame away you ignorant fanboys flame.

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"

mwjw696 said:
DMeisterJ said:
The PS3 needs saving?


 I would of ignored that comment normally... but for christ sakes they are in last place by millions and the year of Sony 08 did not help. Yea they need saving its going down faster than the titanic. With the economy going down even worse you think any parent that does not make tons of money is even looking at the PS3 this year?

Look its like this. I work for a Gamestop in a decent 100K+ town. You know how many PS3 we sold during the entire Black Friday. We sold 2 of them, 1 used, and 1 new. Now do you know how many 360's we sold.... ALL of them 30 Arcades, 10 used, 10 Pros, and 5 Leet models..... HOLY SHIT thats an ass whoppin. At the end of the night we where telling people we sold out and trying to help sway them into getting the PS3.. no deal. Walmart next door still does not have them  instock.

Its not that its going on every place, but we are selling arcade units like they where Wii's for the love of god. Look I like the PS3 and I want it to do well and Sony to profit, but I am just waiting for PS4 already ive gave up on Sony trying to cram the PS3 down peoples throat. The frantic fanboys dont help either. Why cling to the titanic when its sinking. Yea launching of the ship was great, was a great desine, and looks preaty as fuck. But once it hit that ice I grabed a life boat and got my ass out of there. Now I own both and really just play the 360 more. I turn on the PS3 and play alot still yea but im not clinging to it like the fanboys do. I dont have to fight over which is better, the sales number tell that tale. Sorry to post that here now flame away you ignorant fanboys flame.

Ya the 360 released a year earlier and considering sales from launch they are doing better than the 360 (even with 2 next-gen consoles to compete with).  Last time I checked they are toe to toe (equal) in sales in in my view they are doing just fine, and no devoloper will quit making games for the ps3, so I have nothing to worry about.  From sony's viewpoint....I'm sure they will turn a profit.  Which honestly is all they want.  I see no point in comparing the Wii and PS3, as they are completely different consloes with completely different demographics.  In other words the Wii is "putting the smack down".