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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2: Best reviewed game of all time

killzone 2 probably will sell more than resistance 2 because there arent any rival FPS games around the time of it's release. i predict numbers around Gears 2's for KZ2.





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I'll go on record and say you'll be wrong Ronster


Khuutra said:
So is this trolling or no?

We're talking about the Halo Killer, Call of Duty Killer, Every Shooter ever made Killer here.


Pixel Art can be fun.

Wrong as in it will score better or wrong it will score worse? elaborate lol

Another Killzone 2 thread ........... I'm wondering how many KZ 2 yhreads are on this forum

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Uncharted was the best looking game last year and it only managed to score 88 on metacritics. The looks can get a game only so far. I doubt it will cross 90, since even Call of Duty 4 managed to score "only" 94.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

This gen isn't about waggling, online play and innovation.

It's about good looking FPS's.. why do you think Crysis made a profit? :3

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:
Khuutra said:
So is this trolling or no?

We're talking about the Halo Killer, Call of Duty Killer, Every Shooter ever made Killer here.


Trolling's not cool, man.

I'll do you one better, I'll change it to a bet. I bet you that Killzone two will average an 8.5 or higher. If it does 8.5 or higher I get control of your avatar for 3 months, if it gets 8.1 or lower you can have control of mine for 3 months. If it's between we'll call it a tie and forget the bet.


a ps3 "exclusive" FPS scoring over 90%?....... aint happened yet and killzone 2 wont change that.