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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could Gen 7 be the first gen ever to have no new companys?

The video game industry has matured and evolved into an oligopoly. This means that it is quite difficult to enter the market. Only an entity with many resources, similar to MSFT, can attempt to enter the market. I do not foresee many companies with the requisite resources that would risk an attempt at entering the console market.

Around the Network made three nice ITW with sony, microsoft and nintendo french director. One said that the market became bigger the past few years, and that three companies can make benefit, even if it's in the third place. He said that it was pretty new cause before only one or two companies could make benefit in this business.

So the answer your question, I'd say that a 4th company in this market is pretty unbelievable. But don't forget some companies like Apple, with their Ipodtouch, Iphone, they kinda enter the handheld market.

coolestguyever said:
Your probably right. I'm calling 3 straight gens of the big 3. No new ones next gen. No EA or Apple console yet.


Apple already tried to dip into the console fight many generations back, and it failed miserably... the "Pippin", and it barely sold more than 40,000 total units

But I think the next generation will only have the current 3 again... although I am not completely convinced that all 3 will return (I'm only mostly sure).


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


I'm not sure where you guys are getting your information, but there are a ton of Gen 7 companies. Each gen, however, there are only a few "big" companies. That's how it always is.

In Gen 3, most Americans thought it was only Nintendo making gaming consoles. We all know that to be very untrue - SEGA was huge in Europe with the Master System.

This gen, we've got three big names, but there are a ton of smaller names. Heck, SEGA is even re-entering system making with the SEGA Vision portable media & game player.


Apple will be there.

Around the Network

I heards Ubisoft tried to enter.

Haze would be exclusive!

It is hard enough for one of the 3 companies every gen I think a fourth will push one out. EA is the most likely to enter because of there name and sports games (which I myself don’t play :P ). But I don’t think they will enter :P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

I think the costs of joining the console industry are so immense now, even if there is a lot of money to be made. You pretty much have to buy exclusives, start some new studios (or buy them) start an new R & D division to make these consoles, and then you need to give them masses of support, it is not easy

Yeah I really doubt the market could handle a 4th... Sony is having a hard enough time keeping this gen's fight as it is and they are a console superpower.

Though for nostalgic reasons alone, it would be cool to see Sega make a comeback with a DreamCast II.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Dreamcast 2!

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).