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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I want to start playing RPG's. What do I sart with?

The previous post was for PS2 games. Those would be the cheapest.

Personally I have been disappointed with the DS remakes (more $ for the same game). I would much rather play the originals on the PS2. Granted portability has its pluses but ...

For XBOX the best games were released recently so they would be more expensive. JAde Empire however can be found for under $10 and is an awesome game. Knights of the old republic and Baldur's gate are good choices too (original XBOX compatible with XBOX360).

Newer games that are pretty good, Tales of Vesperia, Fable 2, The last remnant, Lost odyssey, Infinite undiscovery.

Anyway, the question was for starter RPGs and my recommendation stands FFX, Grandia (1,2 or 3) or Star Ocean (2 or 3)

Grandia is on PS1
Star Ocean 2 is on PS1

FFX on PS2
Grandia 2 and 3 on PS2
Star Ocean 3 on PS2


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Pick a theme and go with it.

old school fantasy? Dragon Quest VIII
fantasy + steampunk? Final Fantasy X or XII
wild west? Wild Arms 3,4,5
Sci Fi? Rogue Galaxy, Star Ocean, or if you can stand really wierd, yet epic, Japanese plots, Xenosaga.
Some real-time action in your combat? "Tales of" series (any of them)
Fantasy Anime with good 2D sprites? Atelier Iris 1,2,3 and Mana Khemia.
Japanese horror? Shadow Hearts 1,2,3 (2 is especially awesome)

and... last but not least (well.. least in my mind, which is why I lump them together)

Teen dating, and general wierdness: Persona 3,4 and Final Fantasy X-2!  Ha HA!  Okay now I've insulted every Persona fan in the universe by lumping in Persona with FF X-2... so I will be leaving! =)

DS - Final Fantasy IV
PS2 - Final Fantasy X

If you like Pokemon then "Jade Coccoon 2" would be great as well.


In that case, you'll probably do well starting with the more action-oriented RPGs. I would recommend Tales of Symphonia (Gamecube), Fable II (for a Western RPG), or Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (GBA).

If you want something more traditional, I started with Final Fantasy IV, and can vouch for the DS remake. Chrono Trigger is also one of the best RPGs you'll ever play.

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Fable 2. It's known as an RPG lite, so it's a great beginners RPG. People also call it a gateway game which would be the bridge to playing more hardcore RPGs.

Final Fantasy IV (DS), VI
Suikoden II, III and V
Xenogears (PS1)
Chrono Trigger

Just a few to start with

dont start

always start with a gem... that means start with a SNES remake =)


I must warn you once you start you can never go back....

If you want to delve into the world of RPG but not too deeply i'd advise the Kingdom Hearts series , very easy to get into but highly addictive.