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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Any body Else A little Dissapointed with Gears 2?

OK heres my gripe I am on the third act on medium and so far the game has been just to easy.

I have gotten killed a few times but overall I am sailing through it.


I know some folks might say well play it on hardcore then but even for medium it is way too easy.

i will probably finish it on medium and then go back and try it on hardcore.

My problem is I played gears 1 on easy and it was way harder than this there just doesnt seem to be the same challenge built in to this one.

I know it is only the third act I dont get a whole lot of time for gaming but overall I am a little dissapointed in it.


Anybody else feel the same about the game having played it?





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I like the singler player a lot and I like the multiplayer but i just dont like the time it takes to get into a game.

Also the medium and easy are just way to easy compared to the hardcore and insane modes.


You think it's too easy now? Just wait until you get to the final boss. I'm not disappointed in the game but it was never overwhelmingly challenging.


So it doesn't get any harder then?

I might just go on to hardcore.

Still I would have expected it to be more challenging I mean it is a well made game and looks and plays excellent.

But most games on medium I find fairly challenging.





The_God_of_War said:
You think it's too easy now? Just wait until you get to the final boss. I'm not disappointed in the game but it was never overwhelmingly challenging.


Agree about the final boss comment.  I didn't expect that to be the end battle, especially after playing Gears 1.  I'm playing it on 'insane' now so hopefully the last battle will be more of a challenge.

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CGI-Quality said:
I was actually more disapoointed with the gameplay itself. To me, especially the multiplayer, the game is now missing that serious war, gunz blazin feel the first one had. The shotgun is FAR slower and players move slower. And now the lancer is the most effective weapon. It's just no where near as addictive as the first one was, to me at least.


Also in single mode which is what I play my games on your squad helps you out way too much.





Epic openly stated before it came out that they purposely gave it four difficulty levels instead of the first game's three, making Normal easy and Hardcore a lot harder. They actually suggested that veterans of the first game start on Hardcore.

And no, I'm not disappointed at all

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

the only 2 things im dissapointed at is how long it takes to find a game. no its not my connection, i have optimun and a N+ router, and all my friends complained about the same thing.

the other thing im dissapointed is they lower the fire rate of the shotgun, thats wat make gears 1 fun, the high fire rate allowed you to take on a group of enemies at once. but besides that its good

Yeah I thought normal was pretty easy. Hardcore is a challenge at times. I think I'm gonna coop insane with my buddy once done.

thekitchensink said:
Epic openly stated before it came out that they purposely gave it four difficulty levels instead of the first game's three, making Normal easy and Hardcore a lot harder. They actually suggested that veterans of the first game start on Hardcore.

And no, I'm not disappointed at all

I didnt know that thanks for the heads up.


I mean it is awesome graphics wise gameplay audio I just found it too easy but your comment has cleared that up for me.


My mate in work is playing it and he said the same so I will tell him that about the difficulty rating.


I just tend to be cautious starting on a hard setting in case I get stuck halfway through.