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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS: Gears 2 sales approaching 3mil. (Is gears 2 a bit overtracked on VGC?)

Also, I noticed alot when Microsoft say sell through, the Sony fanboys quickly come to the conclusion it is shipped amount but when it is a PS3 game, they will say sold to the customers and defend it any way they can. Please, talk about double Standard.

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RayRay102 said:
Also, I noticed alot when Microsoft say sell through, the Sony fanboys quickly come to the conclusion it is shipped amount but when it is a PS3 game, they will say sold to the customers and defend it any way they can. Please, talk about double Standard.


 thanks for saying that when a business PR says sells through they mean shipped.

Why would M$ use the numbers of sold to consumers since the numbers of sold to retailers are always much higher. If the shipped data really was higher than 3mil. , then M$ would use that data.

Systems owned: PS1 PS2 PS3 PSP N64 Wii iPhone

Are you really bothered that a game sold well just because you don't own that console ? if you are then that is just called plain Jealousy.

Nice 1 Epic and MS on your 3 million + Gears 2 sales, keep the competition alive...


Ahhh looking I now see that the OPs games list are guess what --------- PS3 and PS2 games what a surprise!!!!!!, see my first question above..

No I'm not bothered. Gears 2 does great, no doubt about it. But if you compare the data of M$ and the data on VGC you'll see that there is a big difference.

Systems owned: PS1 PS2 PS3 PSP N64 Wii iPhone
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bigjon said:
KatinJin said:
You forgot to add this little part;

“Maybe [Epic VP] Mark Rein has a more up to date number.”

That right there can make all the difference in the world for one.


 if this is shipped, then either way it is over tracked. If it is sellthough, I would say vgc is right on the dot.

Wow, you're so awesome. Its in bold if you want to read it again.




Gears of War 2 has done a great job selling more than three million units in a month. There are games like Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto IV that have had greater launchs, but considering Gears of War 2 exceeded two million within three days, it has done a good job.

erikers said:

Mark Rein Confirms: Gears 2 Sell Through Surpasses 3 million Last Week

After reaching 2 million units sold in its opening weekend, Epic Games told Edge on Monday that Gears of War 2 has rapidly hit another milestone.

Epic Games VP Mark Rein said in an e-mail, "Microsoft [the game's publisher] confirmed to me this afternoon that Gears of War 2 sell-through surpassed 3 million units as of last week."

2006's original Gear of War took around ten weeks to hit the same mark. Gears 2 did it in four.


 / of thread

Now please u sony fanboys stop trying to doubt vgcharts numbers. ioi does his best.